Sunday, November 24, 2013


I've found lately that I've started to accept defeat. Aside from continuing to apply to grad school, most things that I like to do, or at least would like to do, have met a bump in the road. My problem is, these bumps really aren't that big, and I've started to easily accept this defeat, "Yup, this is it, oh well." For example, I was supposed to spend this entire weekend in Pittsburgh at PittStop Lindy Hop. I love this event, and I love all of the people there. I got out of a busy day at work Friday and I literally broke down because I didn't want to go anymore. I was tired, I felt like I was rushing myself, and I knew from recent experience that I am in no physical shape to expend upwards of 24 hours of dancing in one weekend. I felt like a let down to my friends, and like an incredibly important part of my life was just slipping away from me. In the end, I decided to go to just the Saturday evening dance to see my friends and my favorite band, Gordon Webster. I only danced three mid-tempo dances in the two hours I was there, and I still felt like I overexerted myself. At that dance, I decided that maybe it's time to take a break from seeking out dance. In college, I was able to do it at least twice a week. I was in shape, and I had people I wanted to dance with. After graduation, my dance friends are sparse, and I don't have as many outlets readily available. I've started to feel badly about myself when I feel like crap after one dance, and I don't like that. I truly do enjoy dancing, but lately, I don't like the way it makes me feel, and that's partly on me for letting myself go. Lindy Katie: Defeated.

Similarly, working out has taken a back seat. In high school I worked out twice a week with my mom. In college, I slacked, but I was dancing so I was getting good cardio. Now, I rarely go. I've felt the effects (gaining weight, not being able to last as long at a dance), but I'm relatively apathetic about these things. I'm pretty happy with my body image. I don't feel like I need to be skinny, or trim, though I sometimes do gripe about it. It's not enough to make me want to get up and go. Therefore, I see no reason to spend much time on working out, even though the health benefits are prevalent. Fit Katie: Defeated.

I've become incredibly apathetic about these things. I've fallen into a rut, where I'd much rather lay in my bed and watch TLC show repeats. I already know which dress she's gonna choose, and I know what she looks like after her makeover. But hey, what else is there to do? It's freezing outside, and I don't want to be out in that, so here I sit. I realized that I'm actually wasting my life away here in my childhood bedroom. I think if I had to be out on my own, learning on my own, supporting myself, I'd be much more quick to explore, work out, actually do something with my life. Motivated Katie: Defeated.

For that reason, I'm incredibly excited that I have a phone interview for a job in DC. I'm so ready to start over new, finally be on my own, and get my life together. I'm tired of laying here, and even though I acknowledge it, it's hard to move on when I'm in a setting where I'm so comfortable. I'm not complaining about this situation that I have complete control over, and I'm not sure that I'm trying to set goals, because honestly, I know that I never pull through with the lifestyle change goals that I set for myself. I just want to put it out there, so you guys can hold me accountable. I've become kind of depressed in my routine, but my apparent apathy and lack of motivation about most things lately just keeps pulling me back. Maybe it's the winter.

Sorry for the downer post. I'm not even sure that this evolved how I wanted it to. I just wanted to get it down in words, to help me see how much work I have to do on myself.

I came across this quote on another blog, and I've been trying to apply it to my life. Hopefully I can pull through soon enough.

If only...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

(One of) My Best Friend's Wedding!!

This past weekend, Gordon, one of my best friends from college got married! When he introduced me to Sam during my junior year, I adored her from the moment I met her. We became quick friends and I'm glad to call both of them two of my closest friends.

The wedding was in Kalamazoo, MI, so I planned a mini road trip with my date Amanda. None of my guy dates, including Adam, were able to make it, so I figured a girls weekend would be great! The 4 1/2 hour drive there was quick and easy, and we arrived quite hungry! We threw our stuff down in our room (very stylish and nice for the price) and ran off to my fave, Applebee's.

For some reason, I thought that the wedding was at 2 pm. We drove to the venue, only to find no guests, and Sam's dad dressed in jeans. I asked if the wedding was still at 2, and he said it was at 3. Needless to say, I was embarrassed. I think I learned something about myself; that I can't remember what time something is if it's written out using script (Three O' Clock in the Afternoon) rather than (3 pm). I may have to work on that. Amanda and I decided to explore rural Pure Michigan, and we found a cool coffee shop to sit in for an hour.When it was ACTUALLY time for the wedding, we went inside and the venue was gorgeous. It was very rustic, with stone walls, branches hanging, and white string lights. We chose our seats, and patiently awaited the start of the ceremony.

I have to say, this was one of the more emotional and passionate ceremonies that I've witnessed. Though I must say, I'm very proud of myself that I didn't cry! Gordon and Sam have a very close relationship with and through God and it was very evident through the ceremony. Both of their siblings played music during the ceremony, and it was really nice how they highlighted how proud they are of their talents, not only focusing on themselves. The officiant, a close friend/mentor of the two was funny, endearing, and she taught them (and us) great lessons. Even if one wasn't as "into their faith" or identifying as a Christian at that ceremony, I still felt like it was inspiring, no matter what your views. 

The First Kiss!
Onto the cocktail hour and reception! The entire event was at a community center/museum and it works perfectly for a wedding since there are three different areas (ceremony, cocktail hour, reception). The cocktail hour was in the area known as the museum, where they had replicas of what the town of Lawton must have looked like back in the day. It was cool! We moved upstairs to the reception area where the same dim but decorative lighting was displayed. The tables had chevron tablecloths and red rose petals on them, very chic. I was really impressed. Amanda and I ended up sitting with some of Sam's mom's friends and they were HILARIOUS. All of the traditional things happened: speeches, toasts, first dance, and it was all so fun seeing two of my greatest friends at the center of it all. When the DJ announced that it was time for the single ladies to get to the dance floor, I ran haha. My efforts paid off, and I caught the bouquet! Watch out, Adam ;)

Bouquet! There are red Gerber daisies on the other side.
In the end, I had a wonderful time. This wedding was beautiful, emotional, and it was an absolute celebration of these two. It also reminded me how much I really love them, and how sad I am that they live on the other side of the country. Sam suggested, though, that if I ever need a SoCal vacation, they'd be more than happy to have me. I'll have to take her up on that! And thanks to Amanda for being an awesome date!

Amanda and I watch TLC shows (I'm not sure if she does as avidly as I), so we decided to rank the wedding based on Four Weddings. My rankings, out of 10, based on the four attributes are: 
Food: 8- It was SO good! Flavorful, and hot! 
Venue:  8- Like I said before, a beautiful, rustic venue, though the lighting was a bit dim, it set the mood.
Dress: 9! When she came down the aisle was the only time I almost cried. Her dress was GORGEOUS! All lace, sparkly, form fitting, and almost exactly what I had in mind if I were to get married (Thanks, Say Yes to the Dress).
Overall Experience: 9- I had a great time, from the company (I felt so welcomed), to the ceremony, to the (swing!) dancing. The only downside was they didn't play my ultimate party song, "Get Low" by Lil' Jon. But I really didn't mind because I got to swing dance with one of my favorite dance partners again.

The beautiful bride and her GORGEOUS dress
Reunited with the handsome groom

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall Work Fashion

Fall fashion is here! Hopefully it stays for a while, because this is by far my favorite season. I recently went on a little Kohl's excursion with my mom and sister, and I picked up some new LC by Lauren Conrad pieces that I couldn't wait to wear. I had been wanting some more button down shirts, possibly to wear under sweaters, so I was really excited about this polka dot shirt. I've also never been able to buy corduroy pants because they don't usually come in "long," but I was happy to find these cranberry colored corduroy skinny jeans. Perfect for fall!  I paired the entire outfit with my riding boots and I was out the door!

Polka dot shirt and cranberry corduroy skinnies: LC by Lauren Conrad
How does one take a flattering shoe picture? Riding boots: JC Penny
I was really happy with this next outfit. My mom and I went on another little shopping trip about a month ago and I was just looking for some cute things to add to my wardrobe. We ended up buying this darker wash chambray shirt and this green patterned skirt that I'm absolutely in love with. I was nervous about adding black leggings to the outfit, but it was a little chilly out, so to balance it, I added a black cardigan and it all flowed together so well. I was very proud of this fashion blog inspired outfit. Finally, I paired it with my black Peter Pan boots for some color continuity.
Chambray shirt: H&M, Green Skirt: Francesca's, Black Cardigan: Express, Peter Pan Boots: Old
 Sorry about the blur!

I'm trying to stray away from the temptation of throwing on a hoodie or sweatshirt this fall. I have a whole mental list of fall staples I'd like to purchase, including but not limited to: More boots, more flannel/plaid, more sweaters, more scarves. You can never have enough layers! What are your fall staples?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Job Hunting Specs

Hi all! I'm in Washington DC visiting Adam, and I figured I should take a break from binge watching 30 Rock to do something productive. So here I am.

I'm at the point in my job hunt where I've basically lost count of how many resumes and cover letters I've sent out. It originally started out with me searching for SLP-A jobs, but then spread out into a more "full- time, better paying, whatever will utilize my bachelor degree" type of search. So far, I applied to, and interviewed with, a research position with Seidman Cancer Center. I felt like my interview went ok, but I'm just going to be neutral about it. I'm not freaking out like I do for grad school.

While I've been here in DC, I've also been looking at jobs here. I found one in the Washington Post that I can't even really remember what it's for. Something to do with editing articles for a medical journal, I think. I decided that I would actually love to sit at a desk and edit all day, though I'm probably not THAT qualified for it. So I applied for that job anyway. Just now, I applied for a job with the DC Public Schools in which I would coordinate with local healthcare providers in finding and screening children for possible admission to special needs educational programs. I think that job would be really awesome and a good shoe in for grad school.
Not that a full-time job necessarily needs to be a shoe-in. I got to thinking about these jobs I'm applying for. What if I really like them, and I make good money from them? Why go to grad school right away? Adam is in his masters program with a bunch of people who have families and full time jobs; they went back to school. I'm starting to see the other side of education, the part where you don't need to follow any plan, because there really isn't one.

I've got a few days left here in DC, so I'll probably write a small post about my time here once I get back. In other news, happy things have happened! My application for Appalachian State has finally been completed and turned in, and the Tribe clinched their first place Wild Card spot in the playoffs! Adam and I will be watching the game on his birthday at a sports bar, for sure!

Back to 30 Rock (I love this show)!

Monday, September 16, 2013

23 Reasons I'm Glad To Be Me: A Birthday Post

Today is my birthday, and this year I have turned 23. Although Blink 182 has constantly reminds us that "Nobody likes you when you're 23," I'd have to say I have many reasons to be happy to start out my 23rd year. I decided to compile a list, so please enjoy!

1. I've gotten two job interviews set up within this past week. My hard work at applying for jobs recently is really paying off, and I'm starting to get really positive about it. 

2. I'm able to live at home, for free. Although living at home isn't really idyllic, it's so free. Free housing, free internet, free electric, free water, free meals. My parents rock for letting me live at home until I'm stable, and I love them for that. I also love that my mom stocks the shelves with exactly the snacks that I want. I guess she always knows best.

3. I've gotten 100 posts on my Facebook wall today wishing me a happy birthday, and it's only 3pm. Although Facebook birthdays are definitely not a way to measure friendship, it shows that these people actually cared enough about me to click on the little link that says it's my birthday, to take a second and wish me a good day. I've got a lot of great people in my life, and they contribute to my happiness.

4. Whenever I've explained my graduate school situation to anyone who has asked, they've all been so supportive and insisting that I will succeed. Even strangers! I've found myself realizing so much lately how lucky I am to have support like this.

5. I have friends everywhere. Today, people have wished me a happy birthday from California, Ireland, Germany, and probably a bunch of other places all over the world. I love that I have great connections.

6. My boyfriend buys me flowers. They're my favorite thing, and he never ceases to remember that.

7. Speaking of, my boyfriend is so supportive, loving, funny, and intelligent. I couldn't have imagined anyone better for me. And his family is just as awesome, too.

8. I have opportunities all around me. The fact that I have a child next door with a language disorder, along with two other siblings gives me potential language experience, a babysitting job, and general joy whenever I'm with them. I've got opportunities at work, and opportunities through connections that I've developed. I even have a bachelor's degree to open up doors for me. I've got it a lot better than I've admitted in the past. For the past year, I've felt stuck, when I just needed to open up my eyes and see all of the opportunities that were in front of me.

9. My sister looks up to me. I try to be a role model, and when I can be that to the person who I feel closest to, it really makes me feel good. And we have a good relationship. Yeah, we fight sometimes, but we always go back to being able to giggle and ask each other for help, right away.

10. My cat likes to cuddle with me.

11. People in the swing dance scene tell me they miss me when I haven't been around. It makes me feel so good to know that my presence at a dance filled with hundreds of people can make someone else's night, because most of the time, they've got the same impact on me.

12. My cousin Alex always greets me with a smile and "Hi Katie!!" whenever he sees me.

13. I'm good at certain things like lindy hop, sudoku, parallel parking, editing, and maybe a few other things that people might envy.

14.I have the gift of  music in my life. I'm mediocre at playing musical instruments and singing, but I like to do both things anyway. As long as I've got music in my life that is moving to me, I'm happy. Right now, that's all of Mumford and Sons.

15. I have drive. Even if it doesn't last for long, I like that I'm motivated for things, such as learning, achieving the education and career that I want, playing mandolin, or learning a new language.

16. I like that I'm tall.

17. I like that I'm often positive and don't usually let things bother me, not for long at least. I like to try to smile.

18. I like my new found attitude of "do more and don't give up." I'm not going to quit on my mandolin, or my journey to grad school to be an SLP. I like both things too much.

19. I'm glad to be me because I can watch The Wedding Singer and Horrible Bosses as many times as I want and still laugh hysterically.

20. I have the ability to pay my bills on time. Even though it wipes out my savings and makes me sad, I can say that I'm kind of a successful adult at this point.

21. I own a working vehicle. Tommy makes noises every now and then and costs me some money, but he gets the job done. I can drive anywhere I need to with him, and even though I would love a newer, shinier car, my 2003 Mazda Protege makes me happy.

22. I have team spirit. I love that I have something to support, whether it be for the Tribe, or my D3 football team at Wooster, I love being a supporting fan.

23. I like that I get happiness from writing; this blog allows me to do that. I love writing, editing, anything that has to do with the written language. It's a hobby of mine that I'm always able to fall back on, and I love to do it.

TL:DR- I like being me.

There you have it, my list of 23 reasons that I'm glad to be me. These items were compiled randomly and off of the top of my head. Some are far out and random, others are very heartfelt. I probably could have thought of more things, or at least more detailed, but my mind is set on watching The Newsroom.

So far my birthday has been nice and relaxing. Tonight, I'm going out to watch some live Cleveland comedy with some of my best friends. Thanks for reading, and if you feel like you want to share any reasons that you like being you, or reasons that you like me for that matter, feel free to comment :) Happy September 16th, Katie Heugel Day, everyone!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Anger, Distress, Learning, Motivation, Determination

Most of you know that I've been applying to grad schools for almost two years. You would also know that I've been rejected throughout. Yesterday I received my first rejection for the spring semester. It was from Eastern Michigan, the school that gave me hope thanks to my addition to their waitlist last semester. The letter comes with an explanation of why I was not admitted. This time it said something to the sort of my GPA being too low, and that just taking a few classes that I already took would not improve my undergrad GPA. It said that I needed to take at least 18 more credit hours, and get another bachelor's or pursue a different master's program to improve my GPA to be able to apply to THEIR master's program.

This is a flaw in the system, and it shows me that admissions programs do not seem to actually look at anything else besides numbers, contrary to what their websites say. I do not have the money to pursue another bachelor's program, or another master's program just for the goal of changing my GPA. I'm happy with my undergraduate career, but when things like this come up, I find myself regretting my mindset of "good enough." I don't want to regret my undergraduate career. After all, I did graduate. But I AM changing my mindset. No more "good enough." Now it's "do better, do more."

I've been volunteering at Rainbow Babies for the better part of the year, and most of the time, there's no one there, I do whatever work is there for me, and I leave. I thought I was doing all I could, but apparently, it wasn't enough. Now, I'm going to delve deeper; introduce myself, stop feeling so awkward, go there for more hours at a time.

I'm also attempting to get an SLP-A license through the state of Maryland so I can practice as an assistant in the field. Ohio doesn't have SLP-As so Maryland is the next best thing. The only problem is that I have to first find a job before becoming licensed. Job hunting outside of the state where the job resides is definitely difficult, but I've been sending out numerous emails trying to find out if there are positions available, as well as looking for guidance. I hear that grad schools like experience, so hopefully that rumor is actually true.

I realized that the reason I'm so torn up over this is because if feels like it keeps putting a hold on my life. I've always had this plan to get right into the field, so I can be on my own, start my life, a family. I hate that I'm not in complete control over this situation. I guess I brought it upon myself by not earning the GPA standards of what grad schools necessitate. It was inevitable, I suppose. I need to clear my mind of this plan and just let things happen. I'm going to be 23 next week; that's still so young. To me, it feels like lost time (if I had gotten in my first try, I would have graduated this coming year), but in reality, it's just learning experience. I now know to appreciate things more, put in more hard work. Things don't come as easily to me as they did all through grade school.

While I am trying my hardest to get where I want to be, it just feels like the schools are bullies, pushing me down every time I get up. I've scraped my knees, gotten my lip busted, and came home with a black eye. I heal every time, but I'm not Wolverine; it's not instant, and this time, it feels like it will scar. But scars are stories of your past. They remind you where you came from, and teach you lessons.

I am the only one to blame for my problems, and it sucks that it has taken me this long to figure out what I'm doing wrong. To anyone who has given me advice and inspiration over the past year and a half, thank you SO much. You have been a constant motivation for me, and I'm determined to prove you right. I'm not going to change my field, because I'm just so passionate about it, and that, to me, would be giving up. Sorry mom, I'm not going to be a nurse.

Okay, I'm done with the moping. I'm going to try to take a few days off from job hunting (even though I'll feel like I'm doing nothing), and I'm going to just chill. Maybe I'll think a little bit, but mostly, I need to zen.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What I Wore to Work this Weekend

This weekend I was feeling full of fashion! Apparently I'm also full of alliteration today. Anyway, I ended up wearing clothes that I basically had forgotten that I own, which were entirely too pretty to pass up. 

First forgotten item: American Eagle Dress:
I got a lot of compliments on this first outfit. It's totally girly and sweet, and it was perfect for the hot weather we've been having this week. I paired it with some wedge sandals that I bought early in the summer, hoping to wear often, but this was only the second time I've taken them out. Fail.I love the lace bodice on this dress and the flowiness of the skirt. I originally thought the ribbon was a bit too much, but I took it off and decided it was actually just what the dress needed. My mom thought this dress wasn't quite work appropriate because of the lace, but I think she's just a bit ol' fashioned.

Dress: American Eagle, Cardigan: H&M
Wedge Sandals: DSW

Second forgotten item(s): Lauren Conrad blazer and American Eagle halter top:
I had found my blazer the other day and I was having trouble deciding what to wear under it (hence not wearing it often). It's got a maroon colored lining on the inside, so it's super cute when you roll the sleeves. I was going through my closet, trying to pair something with it, when I found this satin purple floral halter top that I completely fell in love with when I bought it, but have since worn it only once. I decided to throw a black cami underneath since I thought it was a bit too low-cut for work. I then paired the entire ensemble with my white Lauren Conrad skinny jeans, and my gold flats from AE. All in all, it was a professional AE and LC type of outfit.

Blazer and White Skinnies: LC by Lauren Conrad, Floral Halter Top: American Eagle
The one thing  I must say is often missing from my outfits is a necklace. I have to wear a name badge and a vocera around my neck, so the necklace would be obsolete, unless it were short. I wore a little necklace with my first outfit in this post, but it's so small that you can barely see it in the picture!

I'm so glad summer is almost over! I'm ready for fall layers!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Life Updates

The past few weeks have brought a few changes (?) into my life. None of which unexpected, but things are just finally happening. I'm in a weird writing mood, and this post will be bland, so heads up.

Probably the biggest change is that Adam finally made his permanent move to Washington DC. I've spent a good chunk of time trying to figure out when to visit, and deciding which methods of transportation I should utilize. Initially, I decided Megabus was a great idea. It's relatively cheap, and pretty reliable. The first problem is that Megabus doesn't go straight to DC from Cleveland; you've got to go to Pittsburgh first. The second problem is that Megabus isn't really set up for connections and transfers, which can be troublesome. But if booked far enough in advance, with about 5 days of free time, the Megabus will serve me well. Though it does most likely cut out quick "drop everything and go" visits. I think we were both freaking out a little bit about not being able to be with each other very often, but I think we've come to accept the challenges and work through them together. Either way, I'm so proud of him and I'm incredibly excited for his new life in DC, and even more excited to experience it with him. Hopefully it won't be too long until I can leave my beloved Cleveland and happily join him in DC and start my own new life!

My second change: I bought a mandolin! It was cheap, but it will work well for the learning process. A while ago, I was feeling really unfulfilled and I realized that a huge portion of that was because I wasn't playing music anymore. In lieu of pulling out my flute and playing some concertos, I decided I wanted to learn an instrument with which I could jam with my friends. I've been really getting into blue grass and folk music, so I chose the mandolin (also because it's more my size). Plus, my great-grandpa once had an old mandolin from Italy (which my cousins destroyed), so I wanted to go back to an old family instrument. I have decided to teach myself since I don't want to spend any more money than my student loans allow. My friend Ben plays mandolin, so I might meet up with him a few times so he can give me some tips. Needless to say, I'm really excited and determined to master the mandolin! Though my fingertips really really hurt!

I'm actually just hoping to join Mumford and Sons.
Added on to things to fulfill me, I decided that I want to give yoga a try. I've done some research on places around here, and I think I decided on Nishkama in Independence. A blogger I follow teaches there, and it seems really well set up. Though I might do a drop in at a few different studios to find what works for me. I'm excited to get into an activity that will feel good to me, mentally and physically. I'll let you know how it goes.

Here's an update on school: I'm just waiting. My application for Eastern Michigan is finished and I assume just floating around on the head of speech therapy's desk. I'm anxious to hear from them, and every few weeks send them an email which I have yet to receive a reply to. I think they're sick of me. I have decided to apply to Appalachian University as well, since half of the application is done and why the hell not? Part of me is hoping to just get in spring semester so I can finally start getting my life back on track. The other part of me is hoping I don't get in so I can apply to schools in/near DC for fall. I'm more leaning towards just getting in, though. I really want it to happen. I'm still volunteering at Rainbow, but I feel like it's not really doing anything. I don't work with anyone, and I basically make copies or clean. I don't mind doing those things, but it's hard to get fulfillment out of it when I'm not being challenged, learning, and experiencing.

I was applying to new jobs that are more geared towards the field of speech pathology. I found a secretary job in rehab services where I volunteer (full time, no weekends or holidays) and I was really excited about it, but apparently HR takes forever to interview. I applied to some preschool teaching assistant jobs, had one interview, got called for an interview but never actually set a date, and am yet to hear anything else. I think I've decided to just stay at my current job where I'm comfortable and won't be leaving after only a few months if I (hopefully) get in to grad school. Unless I get the new secretary job, then I'm totally there.

Other than that, money is tight thanks to student loans, and everything else is basically the same. I'm going to see the Red Hot Chili Pipers tonight with my family and some friends, so that should actually be really fun. Summer is wrapping up well, including vacation, a couple weddings, and some projects with friends. I'm just really excited for fall, my favorite season! Hopefully I'll have something much more exciting to blog about soon!

Adam came on vacation with us this year! I love this picture :)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Pink Pants Are Back!

I have been absolutely SEARCHING for a nautical stripe, boat neck, half sleeve shirt for the past month. I happened to be in North Carolina on vacation, shopping at some outlets, when low and behold I found the exact shirt I wanted at the Gap Outlet. Along with the half sleeve, it's also got a cute little 3-button detail on the sleeve. So cute! 

Not going to lie, I have fallen in love with Gap. It used to be the butt of jokes in middle school, but their clothes are classy, preppy-lite and totally my style.

It's been a little chilly in Cleveland this past week, so I decided I would wear my new shirt to work on my first day back. Paired with my pink pants, metallic gold flats, and my new tan, I got exactly the look  I was going for. 

Nautical Stripe Shirt: Gap Outlet, Pink Dress Pants: Express, Menswear Watch: NYC vendor
Metallic Gold Flats: American Eagle

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Missing Wooster

Lately, I've been missing my alma mater, my nurturing mother, The College of Wooster. I decided to make a little bullet list of my most prevalent reasons for missing it, now that I've been in the "real world" for over a year. 

  • Opinions: At Wooster, I had the ability to present my opinion to a class, a professor, a stranger, and  my friends. I was able to have a conversation about it, with good counter opinions and amazing educated insight. I was enlightened by these conversations, I was entertained by them, and most importantly, I was never judged. We could discuss topics and events current and past, and never would a foul word or a degrading name be strewn. Now that I'm out in the real world, it feels like I have no one to talk to about my opinions. No one is accepting, no one has the drive to educate or to be educated. It feels like evangelizing. Everyone already "knows everything."
  • Cohabitation: Living with people is always fun. When those people are your parents, meh. I miss the cohabitation at Wooster because you were always with someone you didn't mind seeing or being with. If you lived in a dorm, you could run down the stairs, down the hall, and knock on their door at the oddest of hours. If you lived in a house, you could have everyone you wanted all in one place. There is an open door policy. "Stop by whenever you want," "Why didn't I see you last night, Wes?" And the conversations and dance parties are always endless. Plus, my boyfriend lived a 4 minute walk away, instead of a 4 (going on 9) hour drive away. Living with my immediate family back in the real world, I feel kind of lonely; yes, I like to spend time with my family, but they're not who I crave.
  • Campus: Living in the 7th largest city in Ohio does not make it any more fun than a small town. Yes, we have the Metroparks, but they're not within walking distance. At Wooster, if I wanted to get out and experience nature, it was right outside of my door, and it was is beautiful. Trees, flowers, brick paths, gorgeous architecture, and I always felt safe, no matter what hour of the day I happened to be strolling. There was always somewhere to go at the end of my walk. Old Main for some pound cake, Lowry Cafe for some coffee and chatting, or the library for some studying and writing. In Parma, I feel like I have no journey, and no destination, so I sit here and blog instead. 
  • Learning: I've always known that I love to learn. When I was at Wooster, there were so many other things to do, that I often took learning for granted. I was taking classes specializing in something that I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing, yet I only put half of my effort into them because I was co-occupied with other things going on in my busy college lifestyle. I don't regret doing extra-curricular activities, but I do regret not appreciating my classes and building better relationships with my professors. I'm bored when I'm not learning. I miss taking notes in a fresh notebook with my favorite pen. And as weird as this sounds, I miss writing papers. I try to go about learning things on my own, but when there's no structured syllabus or deadlines, it just falls through. For that reason, I am so anxious to get in to grad school and start doing what I love again. This time, I'm all in.
  • Music: I've been playing music since I was in 5th grade. Ever since then, I have been in a school band, which was always in my life's schedule. At Wooster, music was also a part of my schedule, and from which most of my friends arose. Lately I've been feeling like something is missing in my life, and I finally pinpointed it on playing music. I'm not the greatest flute player, and I can't just pull it out and jam, but I do enjoy playing. I miss playing in a group of people that I adore. I miss wearing the kilts, and I miss the bagpipes. I've thought about joining a community band, but my wavering work schedule just pulls me farther from the idea. 
I never meant for this blog post to be depressing, or a woe-is-me. I meant for it to show how much I miss an academic, independent life at a beautiful institution. While I will continue to miss the campus and the experience, probably until I die, I'm so motivated for my future, and thankful for what Wooster has given me.

I know I'm not the only one who misses Wooster, so if you want, feel free to share what you miss in the comments!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Views on Objectification

So, this blogger over at The Honest Badger has this kind of beef with Robin Thicke regarding his new song and music video "Blurred Lines." The lyrics are suggestive in a college frat boy kind of way, and the women are scantily clad in the video (and in the unrated version, topless and wearing nude thongs). She describes it as a "disgusting display of misogynism" (I'm getting the squiggly red line, so is misogyny the proper term?). While I agree that it's not the best representation of women, here's why I'm not going to throw stones in my glass house.

1. Robin Thicke is known for his sex mantra. Ever since he changed his stage name from just "Thicke," Robin's been all about the ladies. I'm pretty sure on most of his albums, a majority of the songs revolve around sex, pleasuring women, and crooning beautiful sexy things. He's got a theme, and it works for his beautiful self. Just like Taylor Swift is known for writing songs about being a young woman, while also playfully bashing her ex-boyfriends, it works for her and she sticks to it. You go girl!

2. As you can see from that previous bullet-number-point, I objectify him. Robin's got beautiful blue eyes, great style, and a sexy voice. I also objectify many celebrity males (and females), mainly Ryan Gosling and Justin Timberlake. I've never had an intelligent conversation with either of them, and I don't know their personalities in real life, but I definitely have topless photos of them on my laptop wallpaper, my phone, and maybe taped to the wall inside of my closet. And I would totally bang either, or both, of them if the opportunity presented itself (at least in my mind, I would).

Most, if not all, of the women I know, self-declared feminists and non-declared feminists alike, have objectified both celebrities and non-celebrities (male and female) based on their looks alone. Now, I know that we as women aren't equally represented in society and are often objectified and expected to be sexy and look our best, and therefore it's so degrading; but my argument is, do we not do the same?! Do we not ogle at Ryan Gosling's six pack abs, beautiful arms, and great style while making disgusted faces at Kevin Federline's beer gut and wife beater tank tops? I am in no way saying that it is more acceptable for men to objectify women, but what I am saying is that both sexes do it. Men just do it more publicly and sometimes to their advantage (like making hit songs of the summer). Therefore, it's time for the women to take note and do the same! Unless you're looking to shift the focus of the entertainment business from sex to smarts, which realistically would just be too big of a battle, and honestly, ain't nobody (me) got time for that.

The Big Bang Theory has both!
To some people. I probably sound ignorant, anti-feminist, and all for a male driven society in which the women stay home and the men provide; my views are quite the contrary, but this is how my mind works. It's the entertainment business; with every Playboy magazine out there, there's also Playgirl. For every "Blurred Lines," there's a "How Many Licks?" by Lil Kim. "Blurred Lines" doesn't and shouldn't compromise my, or any other woman's, personal drive and ability to be a strong independent woman out in society, so I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. That's not to say I don't care, but I kind of....don't care.

If there's anything my liberal arts education has taught me, it's to think independently. Yes, I think women and men should be represented equally. Yes, I think women are more objectified in media than men. No, I don't think there's anything I can personally do about it. Heterosexual men think women are sexy, and heterosexual women think men are sexy; it's a fact of life. And because I believe that, I live my life as a confident woman who respects herself and enjoys the entertainment business for its face value. I wouldn't call it ignorant or idiotic, just a lifestyle choice that I feel works for me.

Now, feel free to objectify, without judgement, the men whom I also objectify on the daily (but it's your choice):


Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Dance Partners

I wanted to make a tribute piece, dedicated to my favorite dance partners across America, since I'm stuck here in Cleveland (not that I don't love it). Everyone listed here started out somewhere in Ohio, where I subsequently met them. I wrote this because I miss them, and my nights out dancing just aren't quite as fulfilling without them. They've complimented me on my improvement and are always so encouraging. All of these leads find incredible joy in dancing, and whenever I dance with them, it reminds me why I love it as well. This list is in no particular order.

Gordon was actually the dance partner with whom I first learned lindy hop. He's the one who first instilled the love of dancing in my heart. He's tall (quite nice for me), he likes to look good, but he also likes to be silly. He likes to be good at what he does, so he's always willing to work on things with you. Honestly, he was the first guy I ever actually considered to be my dance partner, and the first guy I ever danced with. And those first ones will always have a little place in your dance heart.  
Current location: Whittier, CA

Tristan isn't really my dance partner. We don't get to dance together that often, and at most if not all dance events, he's a crowd favorite. Nevertheless, Tristan is the dance partner with whom I feel I have the most dance chemistry. He's another tall one, and he's so incredibly graceful. I first danced with him when I was still relatively new to lindy/blues and the tricks and moves that he was able to make me do just blew my mind. He really does put his dance partner on display and tries his hardest to make every dance the best you've had yet.
Current Location: Columbia, SC
Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of us dancing together, but here are some great pics anyway!

Nick first introduced me to lindy hop and blues. He is the guy who no matter how tired he is, or no matter how tired you are, he still wants to dance to those crazy songs that are 200 BPM or faster. He is full of theatrical energy and every dance with him is almost a performance for everyone watching. He loves to do those moves that make people whoop and wail, and he always compliments you with a "Ooooooooooh yeah!!!" whenever you add some unexpected flair to your dancing. Dances with Nick make you feel good about yourself.
Current Location: New York, NY
Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of us dancing together either! Here are some great pics anyway!

Aaron dances every day; he dances when he walks, and when he's sitting. We both learned lindy together at Wooster, but we never really danced together until senior year when we taught lessons in our swing club. We quickly bonded and became instant dance partners and best friends. Whenever you're out with Aaron, if there's danceable music playing (even if there's no music!), no matter where you are he'll grab you and dance. You could be in a coffee shop, outside at an art fair, or in an intimate setting listening to live jazz. Even if there's not enough room, you will dance. Dancing with him is fun and celebratory. He gets so much joy from dancing that he doesn't care how it looks to other people. Aaron embodies a true dancer, living his life through it, and sharing it with everyone.
Current Location: San Jose, CA 

And now, thanks to everyone moving away, I have to force Adam to dance with me. Though I don't think he minds.....tooooooooo much.

*Gordon photos courtesy of ShortGirl Photography
*Tristan photos courtesy of  Maggie Hardesty and ShortGirl Photography
*Nick photos courtesy of Cameron Dunbar and ShortGirl Photography
*Aaron photos courtesy of Sally Soto
*Adam photo courtesy of ShortGirl Photography