Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Dance Partners

I wanted to make a tribute piece, dedicated to my favorite dance partners across America, since I'm stuck here in Cleveland (not that I don't love it). Everyone listed here started out somewhere in Ohio, where I subsequently met them. I wrote this because I miss them, and my nights out dancing just aren't quite as fulfilling without them. They've complimented me on my improvement and are always so encouraging. All of these leads find incredible joy in dancing, and whenever I dance with them, it reminds me why I love it as well. This list is in no particular order.

Gordon was actually the dance partner with whom I first learned lindy hop. He's the one who first instilled the love of dancing in my heart. He's tall (quite nice for me), he likes to look good, but he also likes to be silly. He likes to be good at what he does, so he's always willing to work on things with you. Honestly, he was the first guy I ever actually considered to be my dance partner, and the first guy I ever danced with. And those first ones will always have a little place in your dance heart.  
Current location: Whittier, CA

Tristan isn't really my dance partner. We don't get to dance together that often, and at most if not all dance events, he's a crowd favorite. Nevertheless, Tristan is the dance partner with whom I feel I have the most dance chemistry. He's another tall one, and he's so incredibly graceful. I first danced with him when I was still relatively new to lindy/blues and the tricks and moves that he was able to make me do just blew my mind. He really does put his dance partner on display and tries his hardest to make every dance the best you've had yet.
Current Location: Columbia, SC
Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of us dancing together, but here are some great pics anyway!

Nick first introduced me to lindy hop and blues. He is the guy who no matter how tired he is, or no matter how tired you are, he still wants to dance to those crazy songs that are 200 BPM or faster. He is full of theatrical energy and every dance with him is almost a performance for everyone watching. He loves to do those moves that make people whoop and wail, and he always compliments you with a "Ooooooooooh yeah!!!" whenever you add some unexpected flair to your dancing. Dances with Nick make you feel good about yourself.
Current Location: New York, NY
Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of us dancing together either! Here are some great pics anyway!

Aaron dances every day; he dances when he walks, and when he's sitting. We both learned lindy together at Wooster, but we never really danced together until senior year when we taught lessons in our swing club. We quickly bonded and became instant dance partners and best friends. Whenever you're out with Aaron, if there's danceable music playing (even if there's no music!), no matter where you are he'll grab you and dance. You could be in a coffee shop, outside at an art fair, or in an intimate setting listening to live jazz. Even if there's not enough room, you will dance. Dancing with him is fun and celebratory. He gets so much joy from dancing that he doesn't care how it looks to other people. Aaron embodies a true dancer, living his life through it, and sharing it with everyone.
Current Location: San Jose, CA 

And now, thanks to everyone moving away, I have to force Adam to dance with me. Though I don't think he minds.....tooooooooo much.

*Gordon photos courtesy of ShortGirl Photography
*Tristan photos courtesy of  Maggie Hardesty and ShortGirl Photography
*Nick photos courtesy of Cameron Dunbar and ShortGirl Photography
*Aaron photos courtesy of Sally Soto
*Adam photo courtesy of ShortGirl Photography


  1. We need to travel! I want you to come to Rhythm Shuffle with me in Buffalo, this fall. How 'bout it?
