Tuesday, November 19, 2013

(One of) My Best Friend's Wedding!!

This past weekend, Gordon, one of my best friends from college got married! When he introduced me to Sam during my junior year, I adored her from the moment I met her. We became quick friends and I'm glad to call both of them two of my closest friends.

The wedding was in Kalamazoo, MI, so I planned a mini road trip with my date Amanda. None of my guy dates, including Adam, were able to make it, so I figured a girls weekend would be great! The 4 1/2 hour drive there was quick and easy, and we arrived quite hungry! We threw our stuff down in our room (very stylish and nice for the price) and ran off to my fave, Applebee's.

For some reason, I thought that the wedding was at 2 pm. We drove to the venue, only to find no guests, and Sam's dad dressed in jeans. I asked if the wedding was still at 2, and he said it was at 3. Needless to say, I was embarrassed. I think I learned something about myself; that I can't remember what time something is if it's written out using script (Three O' Clock in the Afternoon) rather than (3 pm). I may have to work on that. Amanda and I decided to explore rural Pure Michigan, and we found a cool coffee shop to sit in for an hour.When it was ACTUALLY time for the wedding, we went inside and the venue was gorgeous. It was very rustic, with stone walls, branches hanging, and white string lights. We chose our seats, and patiently awaited the start of the ceremony.

I have to say, this was one of the more emotional and passionate ceremonies that I've witnessed. Though I must say, I'm very proud of myself that I didn't cry! Gordon and Sam have a very close relationship with and through God and it was very evident through the ceremony. Both of their siblings played music during the ceremony, and it was really nice how they highlighted how proud they are of their talents, not only focusing on themselves. The officiant, a close friend/mentor of the two was funny, endearing, and she taught them (and us) great lessons. Even if one wasn't as "into their faith" or identifying as a Christian at that ceremony, I still felt like it was inspiring, no matter what your views. 

The First Kiss!
Onto the cocktail hour and reception! The entire event was at a community center/museum and it works perfectly for a wedding since there are three different areas (ceremony, cocktail hour, reception). The cocktail hour was in the area known as the museum, where they had replicas of what the town of Lawton must have looked like back in the day. It was cool! We moved upstairs to the reception area where the same dim but decorative lighting was displayed. The tables had chevron tablecloths and red rose petals on them, very chic. I was really impressed. Amanda and I ended up sitting with some of Sam's mom's friends and they were HILARIOUS. All of the traditional things happened: speeches, toasts, first dance, and it was all so fun seeing two of my greatest friends at the center of it all. When the DJ announced that it was time for the single ladies to get to the dance floor, I ran haha. My efforts paid off, and I caught the bouquet! Watch out, Adam ;)

Bouquet! There are red Gerber daisies on the other side.
In the end, I had a wonderful time. This wedding was beautiful, emotional, and it was an absolute celebration of these two. It also reminded me how much I really love them, and how sad I am that they live on the other side of the country. Sam suggested, though, that if I ever need a SoCal vacation, they'd be more than happy to have me. I'll have to take her up on that! And thanks to Amanda for being an awesome date!

Amanda and I watch TLC shows (I'm not sure if she does as avidly as I), so we decided to rank the wedding based on Four Weddings. My rankings, out of 10, based on the four attributes are: 
Food: 8- It was SO good! Flavorful, and hot! 
Venue:  8- Like I said before, a beautiful, rustic venue, though the lighting was a bit dim, it set the mood.
Dress: 9! When she came down the aisle was the only time I almost cried. Her dress was GORGEOUS! All lace, sparkly, form fitting, and almost exactly what I had in mind if I were to get married (Thanks, Say Yes to the Dress).
Overall Experience: 9- I had a great time, from the company (I felt so welcomed), to the ceremony, to the (swing!) dancing. The only downside was they didn't play my ultimate party song, "Get Low" by Lil' Jon. But I really didn't mind because I got to swing dance with one of my favorite dance partners again.

The beautiful bride and her GORGEOUS dress
Reunited with the handsome groom

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