Monday, September 16, 2013

23 Reasons I'm Glad To Be Me: A Birthday Post

Today is my birthday, and this year I have turned 23. Although Blink 182 has constantly reminds us that "Nobody likes you when you're 23," I'd have to say I have many reasons to be happy to start out my 23rd year. I decided to compile a list, so please enjoy!

1. I've gotten two job interviews set up within this past week. My hard work at applying for jobs recently is really paying off, and I'm starting to get really positive about it. 

2. I'm able to live at home, for free. Although living at home isn't really idyllic, it's so free. Free housing, free internet, free electric, free water, free meals. My parents rock for letting me live at home until I'm stable, and I love them for that. I also love that my mom stocks the shelves with exactly the snacks that I want. I guess she always knows best.

3. I've gotten 100 posts on my Facebook wall today wishing me a happy birthday, and it's only 3pm. Although Facebook birthdays are definitely not a way to measure friendship, it shows that these people actually cared enough about me to click on the little link that says it's my birthday, to take a second and wish me a good day. I've got a lot of great people in my life, and they contribute to my happiness.

4. Whenever I've explained my graduate school situation to anyone who has asked, they've all been so supportive and insisting that I will succeed. Even strangers! I've found myself realizing so much lately how lucky I am to have support like this.

5. I have friends everywhere. Today, people have wished me a happy birthday from California, Ireland, Germany, and probably a bunch of other places all over the world. I love that I have great connections.

6. My boyfriend buys me flowers. They're my favorite thing, and he never ceases to remember that.

7. Speaking of, my boyfriend is so supportive, loving, funny, and intelligent. I couldn't have imagined anyone better for me. And his family is just as awesome, too.

8. I have opportunities all around me. The fact that I have a child next door with a language disorder, along with two other siblings gives me potential language experience, a babysitting job, and general joy whenever I'm with them. I've got opportunities at work, and opportunities through connections that I've developed. I even have a bachelor's degree to open up doors for me. I've got it a lot better than I've admitted in the past. For the past year, I've felt stuck, when I just needed to open up my eyes and see all of the opportunities that were in front of me.

9. My sister looks up to me. I try to be a role model, and when I can be that to the person who I feel closest to, it really makes me feel good. And we have a good relationship. Yeah, we fight sometimes, but we always go back to being able to giggle and ask each other for help, right away.

10. My cat likes to cuddle with me.

11. People in the swing dance scene tell me they miss me when I haven't been around. It makes me feel so good to know that my presence at a dance filled with hundreds of people can make someone else's night, because most of the time, they've got the same impact on me.

12. My cousin Alex always greets me with a smile and "Hi Katie!!" whenever he sees me.

13. I'm good at certain things like lindy hop, sudoku, parallel parking, editing, and maybe a few other things that people might envy.

14.I have the gift of  music in my life. I'm mediocre at playing musical instruments and singing, but I like to do both things anyway. As long as I've got music in my life that is moving to me, I'm happy. Right now, that's all of Mumford and Sons.

15. I have drive. Even if it doesn't last for long, I like that I'm motivated for things, such as learning, achieving the education and career that I want, playing mandolin, or learning a new language.

16. I like that I'm tall.

17. I like that I'm often positive and don't usually let things bother me, not for long at least. I like to try to smile.

18. I like my new found attitude of "do more and don't give up." I'm not going to quit on my mandolin, or my journey to grad school to be an SLP. I like both things too much.

19. I'm glad to be me because I can watch The Wedding Singer and Horrible Bosses as many times as I want and still laugh hysterically.

20. I have the ability to pay my bills on time. Even though it wipes out my savings and makes me sad, I can say that I'm kind of a successful adult at this point.

21. I own a working vehicle. Tommy makes noises every now and then and costs me some money, but he gets the job done. I can drive anywhere I need to with him, and even though I would love a newer, shinier car, my 2003 Mazda Protege makes me happy.

22. I have team spirit. I love that I have something to support, whether it be for the Tribe, or my D3 football team at Wooster, I love being a supporting fan.

23. I like that I get happiness from writing; this blog allows me to do that. I love writing, editing, anything that has to do with the written language. It's a hobby of mine that I'm always able to fall back on, and I love to do it.

TL:DR- I like being me.

There you have it, my list of 23 reasons that I'm glad to be me. These items were compiled randomly and off of the top of my head. Some are far out and random, others are very heartfelt. I probably could have thought of more things, or at least more detailed, but my mind is set on watching The Newsroom.

So far my birthday has been nice and relaxing. Tonight, I'm going out to watch some live Cleveland comedy with some of my best friends. Thanks for reading, and if you feel like you want to share any reasons that you like being you, or reasons that you like me for that matter, feel free to comment :) Happy September 16th, Katie Heugel Day, everyone!

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