Monday, September 30, 2013

Job Hunting Specs

Hi all! I'm in Washington DC visiting Adam, and I figured I should take a break from binge watching 30 Rock to do something productive. So here I am.

I'm at the point in my job hunt where I've basically lost count of how many resumes and cover letters I've sent out. It originally started out with me searching for SLP-A jobs, but then spread out into a more "full- time, better paying, whatever will utilize my bachelor degree" type of search. So far, I applied to, and interviewed with, a research position with Seidman Cancer Center. I felt like my interview went ok, but I'm just going to be neutral about it. I'm not freaking out like I do for grad school.

While I've been here in DC, I've also been looking at jobs here. I found one in the Washington Post that I can't even really remember what it's for. Something to do with editing articles for a medical journal, I think. I decided that I would actually love to sit at a desk and edit all day, though I'm probably not THAT qualified for it. So I applied for that job anyway. Just now, I applied for a job with the DC Public Schools in which I would coordinate with local healthcare providers in finding and screening children for possible admission to special needs educational programs. I think that job would be really awesome and a good shoe in for grad school.
Not that a full-time job necessarily needs to be a shoe-in. I got to thinking about these jobs I'm applying for. What if I really like them, and I make good money from them? Why go to grad school right away? Adam is in his masters program with a bunch of people who have families and full time jobs; they went back to school. I'm starting to see the other side of education, the part where you don't need to follow any plan, because there really isn't one.

I've got a few days left here in DC, so I'll probably write a small post about my time here once I get back. In other news, happy things have happened! My application for Appalachian State has finally been completed and turned in, and the Tribe clinched their first place Wild Card spot in the playoffs! Adam and I will be watching the game on his birthday at a sports bar, for sure!

Back to 30 Rock (I love this show)!


  1. "I decided that I would actually love to sit at a desk and edit all day, though I'm probably not THAT qualified for it." If you want a job you like, you have to sell yourself more than that.

    1. I know, and I totally would if I had an interview, but resume and education-wise, I'm not the most qualified on paper. Though, a bachelor's degree is probably qualified enough.
