Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Problem with Faith

So, if most of you know me, you know of my traumatic sort of run-in with the Christian faith and "God" during the summer of 2010. I won't really go into it, but at the time, I felt like God was against me or something, and to this day I feel like I have never truly recovered. I was never really one who was active with my faith, or in church. For a few years, I even doubted a higher power. I don't know what brought me back, and I truly don't even know where I really stand. All I know is, that in the end, I am most comfortable in the Catholic church, where I was raised.

Sometimes when I see my friends who are more active in their faith, most often identifying themselves as "Christians," I feel like I'm missing something. But it's not something that I necessarily strive for, or feel that I need for that matter. It's just a weird feeling. The togetherness during evangelical get-aways and camps just seems so fun and uniting. I'm not an evangelical person whatsoever, nor do I want to be. I kind of just want that connection. But it's hard to build a connection with others spiritually when you feel weird even praying by yourself. When you feel like you want to go to church, but you're not getting fulfillment. When you decide one day to go to an evangelical type service, and you are so uncomfortable, almost to the point of tears, but you so want to fit in.

When I'm around self-proclaimed "Christians" in a group together, there's just something emanating from them. I have no idea what it is, but sometimes, I want to be able to give it off too. The bond between them that is so outwardly present is magnetic. On the other hand, sometimes it is repellent. Sometimes I see and understand their drive to say "Welcome, I am so glad that you're here," and other times I see it as "Hi, look what we have and you don't." Sometimes I feel like I want to have it, but in a way (in my mind) it's comparable to "This iPhone is a lot cooler and modern than that brick of a phone you have, even though they do the same thing," and I envy it for a minute, then I'm back to my normal life. My life where I live by the morality that is taught in the bible, even if I don't credit the bible or my faith for my morals. I still function on kindness and caring, giving and loving.

I don't really know what I'm getting at. This is something that pops up in my mind every now and then, and usually ends up getting on my nerves for a few minutes. I guess this is really just a personal battle, maybe even a rant. A rant about which I don't even know why I'm getting so emotional as I write it.

This isn't a jab at Evangelical Christians, all the ones that I know are very nice, and some are very good friends. I just felt the need to write my feelings.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Name Brands

Today I was shopping at American Eagle. I had decided that I wanted a new pull-over hoodie, and I didn't want any more from Victoria's Secret. I grabbed a few, and went into the dressing room to try them on. Once inside, I pulled the hoodie over my head, only to realize that I looked something like a 16 year old. This is my problem with name brand clothing.

I'll admit, I do wear a number of Victoria's Secret PINK hoodies (discounts force you to think you need to buy things that you don't need). I try to purchase the ones that aren't IN YOUR FACE HOT PINK, and with smaller lettering, which I find to be somewhat more mature. Here's where I run into my problem: Hoodies and clothing with giant insignia of the brand one is wearing is incredibly juvenile, at least to me. It's damn hard to have a young face like mine, and to want to look like an adult when you're wearing VS Pink and AE brand hoodies with the name splashed across your boobs and/or back.

I really like to wear these brands of clothes, and would like to wear their lounge clothes as well. But if I can't do so without making my boyfriend want to puke with the loudness of my LOVE PINK hoodie, I don't think I want anything to do with it.

I'm going to try to do the adult thing and stray away from these younger brands. AE's clothes are still aimed at me until I'm 25 (says the brand), and VS's lingerie will always be my go-to. I'm just going to try to stop buying their clothes that shout to all of Cleveland "I AM WEARING VICTORIA'S SECRET AND I KNOW YOU THINK I'M SO COOL BECAUSE OF IT!!!"

But where am I supposed to find cute fitted hoodies, that don't have brand names in size 88 font? Any suggestions would be very appreciated.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Nan Pengyou

Hello readers! I'm well aware it's been over a month since I've posted and I apologize. I've really just been working every single day, and have had nothing exciting to blog about. I will give you a personal update though!

The title of this post (pronounced "nahn pahngyo") means "boyfriend" in Chinese. It's the only Chinese word that I know, which I can also spell. I decided to use it as my title since the great enigma that is China has taken my boyfriend away for 11 days. It is true, he is off with his second love, where he is known as Zhan Keqi (sounds like "John Kuhchi," like Jankowski). He's doing some research for his Senior IS on China political something or other jargon. I swear I'm interested, and I really am! It just goes over my head ;) Last night was hard, being the first night he was gone, and we usually talk on the phone. Since then, we've Skyped, and I'm doing much better. I'm starting to accept that it's what he wants to spend the rest of his life studying/working with, and I am really proud of him.I plan to go visit him as soon as I get back. I'm really excited to see him and have our late Christmas <3
Adam's favorite part about China, which he calls the "shit slit."

Adam is in Beijing!

 So, I'm still in the process of applying for grad school. My first application was due on the 15th, for the University of Toledo. I feel like the CSDCAS part (blanket CSD app) of my application was/will be processed late because of transcript problems, but we can only hope for the best. While researching my other schools, I found out that Eastern Michigan University has a faculty member who's main focus is literacy and spelling, which is exactly what I want to encourage in the field of Speech-Language Pathology! I got so excited, and realized that EMU may be the perfect grad school for me. I'm hoping that for my new years trip to visit Adam, we can take a day trip to the campus to visit. You guys don't know how excited I am.

As I mentioned before, I've been working almost every day for the past two weeks. I love my hospital job and the hours I get. I'm starting to loathe my VS job. The management isn't really agreeable or easy to work with, and scheduling is always a hassle. I'm starting to consider quitting. I only really still work there for the discount and because I like most of my fellow associates. I really do enjoy the knowledge of the brand and products that I can share with the customer, but honestly, I'm taking a grad level course next semester and I don't know if I'll be able to take it all. I've been very back and forth about quitting, and yesterday was almost my breaking point. It's not really anything to get into, but it could be a big turning point in my "adult life."
I did enjoy the fashion show, though!

Is the end of the world on Friday? If so, I'll be working a 12 hour day, then drinking with my friends! If I wake up hungover on Saturday, at least it will have been a successful celebration of life (and I will probably still feel like I'm dying anyway). Though, if the world does end, it will suck that my boyfriend is in China.

I imagine "The Day After Tomorrow"

I just downloaded Snapchat. I think I'm going to like it.

Per usual, I appreciate your reads, and I'm going to challenge you! Give me ideas of things to write about in that little comment box below! I think that would be fun!! If you don't think so, then OH WELL!!

Friday, November 16, 2012


I'm trying to write my personal statements, and to really decide which schools I want to apply to. I AM HAVING SO MUCH TROUBLE. I just want to run around, yell, or just plop down facing upward on a bed and bawl my eyes out.

I'm looking at my list of schools (none of which I have visited for grad school (besides CSU, since I go there), and I'm just wondering why I'm applying there. My main reasons for choosing to apply to a school are these:
  • Will they maybe accept my below average GPA?
  • Do I like the area in which the school resides?
  • Is it near where Adam might go?
  • Is it near home so I can live there for free?
Some of these schools put one or more of these criteria against each other. I visited one of the schools for undergrad, and wasn't quite impressed with it, but it's close to home, so I might apply. One of the schools is not close to home, but Adam is applying near there, so I might apply. I know you're not supposed to really apply based on where your boyfriend is going, but I don't want to be very far. I don't want to live at home forever, but I really don't have the money to move out on my own yet, and I am comfortable with my two jobs.

I am so so so torn on which criteria to focus on. I don't want to spend so much money on applications for schools that I'm not confident about, or don't want to go to. I'm kind of having a personal crisis here, and it's not good for my self esteem.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Graduate School Application Process, Again!!

If you know me, and my life, you would be aware that I have a bachelor's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. If you also know me, you know that I need to go to graduate school to get any sort of job in the field of speech therapy. Since I was an average student in college who decided to balance a social life, clubs, and academics, I earned mostly B's and C's in my classes. I'm happy with those grades; I passed IS, and I graduated. Graduate school is not happy with those grades; no schools accepted me last year.

Fast forward! 6 months later (exactly), I am being proactive! I'm re-taking the classes that I didn't do so hot in (and kicking ass), and I'm volunteering with the speech therapy services at the hospital where I work. I'm attempting to get some really good letters of recommendation, and at the same time, I'm writing a really AWESOME personal statement that will make tears flow from those admissions people's eyes!

Fast forward! 5 days after I had already started this post, I got apathetic about writing this, as well as with my applications. I need to edit my personal statement because I'm not happy with it, and I am apparently selling myself short. I need to finish it and send it to my people who need to write my letters of recommendation. I need to send my GRE scores to a few schools, and my transcripts to all of them. This is going to be tiring. What I would really like to do is take an entire day that I'm off (this Friday sounds good), and do all of that crap. Pay for the GRE, for transcripts, and finish my stupid personal statement and send it to my people.

I went through all of this once, and I think I just got tired of it and don't want to do it again. I wish the process were so much easier, where most or all of it was online and I didn't need to send hard copies of things to admissions guys. I need to clean my room and my desk and get more organized. Then I'll finally be able to concentrate. I did come down with this weird throat/nose sickness this week. I come home, or I stay home, and I just want to stay in bed, miserable. It's been a total downer.

My first application is due in a month. I'm freaking out a little because I don't want to miss the deadline. It's the application for The University of Toledo (where my friend Marshall resides, shout out to YOU!!!). I wouldn't mind going there because there are people there and near there whom I really care about. The crappy part is that they ask for a personal statement all about why I chose that program blah de blah. So now I get to write a second one just for UT. I hope it's worth it.

Well, enough bitching about graduate school. Many of us have to go through this tough stuff, so it's not like I'm the only one. I'm tired, my throat hurts, and I miss my boyfriend. I'm going to bed. I love you all, good night.

My final bitchy moment:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Personal Update

    This post is a personal update, if you couldn't tell from the title. *aside: my computer has started making noises like it's propelling into space again. I want a new one now!* I'm currently drinking coffee, in my sweatpants, at 10:10 pm, pretending I'm in Starbucks, or the Lowry Cafe. I do prefer coffee shops over my bedroom, but hey, when you're in the midst of a hurricane and coffee shops are closed, what's a girl to do?

    I feel like I'm coming down with my mom's cold (which I think sounds like consumption; tuberculosis to those from this century), so I took a benadryl and am drinking that hot beverage. This past week has been tiring! Besides my normal working and classes, Bron was on her way home and stopped in town for the week! I was very excited to be reunited with my roomie, so we hung out most days (along with Katie and Joe, a little Reed House reunion), and I woke up tired most mornings. Needless to say, I understand why adults don't hang out too much. They get worn out!

    This past weekend was family weekend, so the four of us went down to Wooster to be with our "families." It was a lot of fun to go to a football game and be a part of the band again, even if it was like 40 degrees and a little damp. Saturday was the Halloween Get Hep dance, and Adam came with me! We dressed up as a nurse and a hospital patient. I think our costumes were a hit! I was really excited that he came with me. Even if he didn't have that much fun, it's the thought that counts. He even slow danced with me!

    A couple weeks ago, I accompanied Adam and his parents on a little birthday trip to LAS VEGAS!! This was my first time being west of the Mississippi (river, that is), and my first time flying in about 15 years. On the flight there, I passed out during the landing. I think it was caused by the pain in my ear, since it was almost unbearable. On the flight back I had no problems whatsoever! Random fainting! Vegas was not what I expected it to be. When I think of Vegas, I think of glamor and fancy things. What it really is, is drunk people and girls dressed skankily, everyone smoking cigarettes, and illegals working on the streets for some tips. It is an experience! The weird part was being able to smoke indoors, and carry around open containers of alcohol outside. Just plain weird. But I guess it's some people's paradise. I ended up losing $200 to stupid slots, and stopped my spending there. We went to a night club, saw Elton John live, saw a topless show, and rode a gondola in the Venetian. It was a really fun trip, and I wouldn't mind going back again!

    Our gondola singer! She had a beautiful voice!
    Riding on the gondola!

    Well, that's about it for my personal update. My hospital job is going very well, and my Victoria's Secret job is finally picking up again (the new manager thought I didn't know how to run the cash register, or do floor sets. What did she think I was doing the past 2 years?!)

    Until next post, I'll be riding out hurricane Sandy!

    Katie’s Summer Ambitions 2010

           I was going through my old files and I found this list:

       Be able to touch my toes
           Learn to play guitar
           Be more athletic
           Drink more water
           Go camping on Kelley’s Island
           Get a tan
           Read a lot of books
           Keep up on my Spanish
           Find something to write about for Jr. IS
           Go lindy hopping
           Hang out in Cleveland

    I think I have achieved like 5 of those things. You can try to figure out which 5. It won't be hard :) 

    Thursday, October 18, 2012


    Every now and then (today included) I get this really big urge to write. Like physically hold a pen in my hand and just write. With the age of technology, I'm finding it harder to do that easily. I've decided that I want to get a journal that I can carry around with me in my school and work bags so I can write down all of my ideas. I don't usually have profound thoughts, but I just really like writing. Sometimes I even write out song lyrics because I like the feeling of the pen moving over the paper. I prefer to write notes over typing them. During my whole Independent Study process, I took handwritten notes on all of the articles that I used in my literature review (over 40). When I was younger, I wrote short stories all of the time, and I was on the Power of the Pen writing team in middle school (I made it to Regionals during my second year!).

    I've found that writing things down helps me remember, which is why I like to take physical notes. For example, when I was at Starbucks today (when I had the urge to write), I wrote down notes for this blog post, and most of them are coming right back to me.

    At one point in time, to satiate my urges to write, I signed up for a kind of freelance internet article writing site. Problem is, it's mostly "How To" articles about random things out of left field that you would never want to know how to do, and you only get to the good projects once you've written a crap ton of those crappy "how to" ones. I've since strayed from the site, but I've considered going back every now and then. I'm constantly looking for little things to write, and sometimes this blog helps me, but I'm never quite satisfied.

    Not only do I like to write, but I LOVE to edit. I consider myself a grammar nerd, though I've lost a lot of it. I always offer to edit my friends' papers, must be hard copies and using a pink pen. I can't edit on computers. Now that I'm out of college, I don't really have anything to edit. I had a random thought a few weeks ago about if my career in speech therapy never works out, how I wouldn't mind being an editor of some sort. I really would like to get back into the good grammar person that I was, so I might take on the form of a nerd and pursue some books on editing and good writing. But I think the SLP job is a really good fit for me. The science and logistics of language just amaze me, and writing and reading sometimes cross into the job description of therapists. I think I'm set.

    Do you want to know how big of a dork I am? I REALLY like pens (I know, it looks kind of like penis). I have SO MANY. When I was school shopping this semester, I seriously stared at all of the pens in the pen section for about a half hour, trying to decide which ones I wanted. They have to come in a pack with at least some fun colors, they MUST write very smoothly, and they have to be comfy! I think I have a problem.

    *Side note* Tumblr is down. Everyone is about to freak the shit out. *End side note*

    Here ends my post on writing. If you ever have anything that you want me to edit, please let me know. I'm bored and would love to do it. If you have any suggestions on something I can write, or a freelance company I could hook up with, also let me know!

    Until next time!

    Our 7th grade Power of the Pen team (Jason, Katie, and myself), and our two coaches. I had really good hairstyles.

    Sunday, September 23, 2012

    A Personal List

    I frequently find myself thinking of things that I want to get better at. I've decided to compile a list of these things that, sadly, I may have hit my peak of ability and/or knowledge.

    1. Lindy Hop
    2. Spanish
    3. Grades
    4. Singing
    5. Crafty things
    6. Saving a lot of money
    7. Solo jazz

    I'll probably add more later. This is all that's been on my mind lately though.

    Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    Cereal for Dinner, Tacks for Snacks

    That title is a subtle shout out to one of my past favorite, long lost bands, Panic! at the Disco.

    I'm currently typing this while dodging the tail and backside of my cat who feels neglected because my father is out of town (seriously, she can't stay off of my desk while I'm using it). Now you may ask, "Katie, why is your father out of town?" and my answer would be "celebrating his big 5-0 with my mother, as well as their 23rd wedding anniversary." They're in random parts of Arizona, currently Sedona, while my sister and I chose to stay home to work, chill, and celebrate my own birthday (woo hoo, big 2-2!).

    Living alone with no parents has been, interesting. It's been a really big look into the real world of adults. As you can figure from the title, I've been eating cereal for dinner, and leftover penne chicken alfredo that Adam and I made on my birthday. I did realize that living alone inspires me to do the dishes right after using them (hooray initiative!). I'm also realizing that having a cat is more work than just cuddling. She's gotta eat, poop, eat, poop, claw on your door at 5 am, jump on you at 5:05 am, and sneak out of the house at least 12 times when your friends are visiting. I've also kind of been keeping up with the list of things my parents left me to do, like feed the fish. Watering the plants is also on there, but it rained yesterday, so, done! I tend to just ignore the list. Well, not ignore it, but treat it as a guideline. Plus side of being home alone, I get to drive my mom's new car around *thumbs up*

    Being alone at home, with my sister here sometimes, is incredibly unnerving. While I realize that the actual chance of a strange man breaking into my house in the middle of the night, and stabbing me/raping me/staring at me while I sleep, and taking the $30 that currently resides in my purse is very slim, the chance seems more slim when my dad is sleeping upstairs. Just last night, Alyse and I were in our respective rooms after hanging out for a while, when a loud banging noise came from the basement. We both jumped and exclaimed "what was that?!" It sounded like the washer/dryer, so I figured that Lillian had jumped on it or something, but I still hesitated walking down the stairs, and thought about grabbing a giant knife for about 10 seconds. My heart was racing, and I think I overreacted a little bit.
    Who knows, there could be a bed intruder climbin' in my window!

    I have two more days of alone-ness, mostly taken up by class and work, so we'll see how it goes. Soon my mommy and daddy will be back with presents from the far west!

    Picture posts to come soon!

    I'm having a huge craving for blues/acoustic/R&B music. I'm gonna go clean my room to that now. Clean rooms are!

    "When I grow up and get married, I'm livin' alone!!" ~Home Alone

    Tuesday, September 11, 2012

    The Trouble with Blogging Is...

    Is it a good thing that keeping up with my blog is my biggest problem in life right now? I'm gonna take a stab at it and say yes. Another problem used to be that I thought my computer was going to blow up. After two minutes of sitting there, scrolling through Tumblr, the fan would begin doing this incredibly loud roaring thing, the whole machine would get about as hot as, well, Ryan Gosling (and that's pretty damned hot). I decided that it was probably almost time for a new computer, so I promptly told my parents I would like to get one, and my mother replied with "How much money do you have saved for one?" My response, this face:
    Oh yeah, I'm not in college anymore so my parents don't pay for my electronics
    So I promptly decided that I would clean out my computer fan (like last time this happened) with canned air. Last time I did it, a crap ton of dust blew out and onto my belongings. This time, nothing flew out (that I could see at least), but I've been sitting here on my computer for at least two hours, and it's still purring like a kitten. The temperature of my computer is no longer at "Ryan Gosling," but more of a "fairly attractive guy you see on the RTA but don't want to waste time talking to him" temperature.

    The whole point of that little story is that for a while, when my computer wanted to blast off into space, I would get really annoyed by it, so I decided to stop using it and just utilize my smartphone for its internetting abilities. But since I miraculously cured my computer (for now), I'm going to attempt to blog again.

    Topic of the day: The Trouble with Blogging Is...

    1. I sometimes don't know what to write. I don't know how these weekly bloggers always have things to write about! Maybe they're just more adventurous than I am and have a lot more going on in their lives.
    2. I've mentioned this before, but I feel like my blog is pointless. It kind of functions as a journal, but if it's a journal, why make it public? I'm not living the life of Anne Frank, or Bridget Jones. I'm not that interesting. Or so I think.
    3. I don't think I'm good enough to read. Lately, I've been reading a fellow classmate of mine's blog. She's a writer, a hilarious one at that, and has awesome stories about her move to Chicago from Akron as a new graduate. I enjoy reading it so much because it's funny and relatable (Blogger says that's not a word. I beg to differ).
    4. MOTIVATION. Motivation to sit down and blog for however much time it takes. Motivation to actually be there and publish a post for any devoted followers (raise your hands). Motivations period. 

    Why I'm going to say "Screw all of you troubles, I'm bigger than you!":

    1. I'm going to try to write down a topic to write about throughout the week. I'm at the point in my life now where I feel like I'm an adult, and actual functioning human being with things going on in my life. Discovering new things daily. There's got to be something to write about. If I need to steal inspiration from other blogs, then so be it (not actually stealing, just idealizing) (Wait, idealizing is a word?)
    2. People actually yell at me when I don't publish new posts for a while. I guess people are reading. Cheers to you. Let's go out for drinks and celebrate. For real though, I want to go out like real people and step away from the internets.
    3. I've been feeling incredibly witty with my words lately, and a tiny bit creative. Therefore, I think my posts might be a little bit more interesting to read. With a little inspiration and a lot of, well, other inspiration, I too can be interesting!
    4. I've been motivated to work out weekly, and I've been motivated to study, so why not be motivated to blog on a more frequent basis? My life is currently filled with all of the motivation.

    I swear, this is the last post about me keeping up my blog. I'll have some more posts coming up very soonly about my classes at "Not Wooster" aka Cleveland State University. Just to be on top of everything, feel free to follow my blog publicly. I know you're reading it! Now own up to it! Do it!

    I might try to fancy up my blog by linking it to others. Help me out Fenna, and teach me your ways!

    Until next post, here's some positivity for everyone:

    I've got all the money I'll ever need, if I die by four o'clock.
    - Henny Youngman

    Friday, July 13, 2012

    I'm Not Dead

    Hey guys, I know it seems like I'm dead, due to the lack of posts, but I'm back! I've been kind of having a slump figuring out what to write about, when to write, etc. But now my life has a steady flow, so I'm writing now!

    Let's see. Let me mentally list the things I need to talk about (CSU, UH, boyfriend, money, summer)= basically everything I always talk about. I seriously need to learn to break things down into separate posts.

    Well, I was accepted as a non-degree student at CSU! The acceptance feels really good, although it's really easy to get into and I'm pretty sure they don't turn anyone down, it's much better than the rejection I had been getting. I think I need to take about 6 credits, or 2 classes a semester. I'm having a little trouble trying to figure out which classes to take, since I'm kind of limited to Tuesday-Thursday mornings. I might not end up being able to take a language course (I'd really like to take Italian), but I'll probably just end up taking a course that I really liked again, such as Phonetics or Language Development.

    I've started working on my own at my new secretary job. I really like it, and I feel independent and like I'm really able to do everything. I truly enjoy my job. And this will get me through grad school. Hopefully I can start volunteering at the Rainbow Speech Therapy clinic during my free time.

    Adam came and visited last week! We were able to spend the 4th of July together, and almost an entire week after that. We went shopping, to the parade and a pig roast where he played with my cousins (so cute!), watched airplanes, and he waited at home for me while I was at work (like real life!). It was so wonderful, and he got to spend some bonding time with my parents as well. I like that. I don't get to see him for another two weeks, but when that comes around it will be wonderful! We're going to Kelley's Island, and an Indians game, and we'll just have a blast. I'm so excited.

    Adam was very happy with his surprise of watching planes!

    Hopefully I'll be able to make it to the St. Charles Carnival tonight, or maybe go dancing. Katie and I went to Tremont yesterday (I bought a dress and a cute bag for school), and we found all kinds of events going on this summer. Like I said before, I really want to keep up with stuff like that and go do artsy things. There's an exhibition at the art museum that I would like to go to. It's about the 1920's. There's just so much to do. I also have a wedding next week, in Chicago, I'll definitely blog about that! All of the things!!

    I'll try to keep up on this blog a bit more. I'm sure I'll have individual things to talk about soon enough. I'm not going to write about money or summer, though I am saving my money for trips with Adam, as well as spending it on a passport since we all know he loves to travel. I'm really excited. He also sent me this article, which added to my motivation to travel with him:

    Stuff just works.

    Oh, I got a smart phone. I'm moving up in the world. It's a Droid Razr. I'm going to be taking lots of pictures with it.

    Monday, June 25, 2012

    Sorry for the lack of content

    Hello all! I know it's been a while since I've blogged, and that's because all I've been doing the past week or so has been working. I'm starting to get the hang of the fast paced hospital routine, hopefully I'll get the hang of it by the time I'm on my own. I start training on evening shift tonight, 3-11:30. That should be interesting.

    Speaking of my new job, apparently I was a retard an entered my routing number incorrectly on my direct deposit forms, sooooooo I didn't get paid. I've been sitting here waiting on it, hoping it will deposit so I can buy things and get my hair done tomorrow! I don't want to have to move money over from my savings. I hate doing that. In the mean time, I guess I can try to budget it since I do know how much I was supposed to be paid.

    More news in money, I got my security deposit back from Wooster. They charged me for a late check out, which I don't understand because I was a senior, and they also charged me some outrageous $100 fee. I'm calling today to bitch them out.

    No news yet on the CSU classes or program. I just emailed a new lady yesterday, so hopefully she'll get back to me.

    I had planned to start working out in the morning this week, but as you can see, I'm writing this instead of being outside biking or doing Zumba. The weather is actually really nice for being active, (cloudy and 65 degrees). Perhaps I'll get my butt out there after this.

    On Saturday, I went with a bunch of Wooster friends to go see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at the House of Blues. It's my second time seeing them and they're always a lot of fun. We saw a few of our friends from the Cleveland dance scene out there as well. I really liked dancing to my favorite local band, The Madison Crawl, just  because I like their music a bit more (and the fans always flood the floor once the main band comes on). We kept getting compliments on our dancing from people who were sitting or standing near us. It made me feel good because I haven't danced in the longest time, and I felt like I had started to lose what I had worked so hard to build up. If time permits, I'll also be going dancing this Saturday at the new location for the Get Hep Swing dances.

    Not too much else to report on. If I find something, I'll get at ya.

    No new pictures either, so instead, I'll post a picture of Kermit from Jenna Marbles.

    I don't really want a dog, but if I had to get one, this breed (Italian Greyhound) would be one of my choices