Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Graduate School Application Process, Again!!

If you know me, and my life, you would be aware that I have a bachelor's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. If you also know me, you know that I need to go to graduate school to get any sort of job in the field of speech therapy. Since I was an average student in college who decided to balance a social life, clubs, and academics, I earned mostly B's and C's in my classes. I'm happy with those grades; I passed IS, and I graduated. Graduate school is not happy with those grades; no schools accepted me last year.

Fast forward! 6 months later (exactly), I am being proactive! I'm re-taking the classes that I didn't do so hot in (and kicking ass), and I'm volunteering with the speech therapy services at the hospital where I work. I'm attempting to get some really good letters of recommendation, and at the same time, I'm writing a really AWESOME personal statement that will make tears flow from those admissions people's eyes!

Fast forward! 5 days after I had already started this post, I got apathetic about writing this, as well as with my applications. I need to edit my personal statement because I'm not happy with it, and I am apparently selling myself short. I need to finish it and send it to my people who need to write my letters of recommendation. I need to send my GRE scores to a few schools, and my transcripts to all of them. This is going to be tiring. What I would really like to do is take an entire day that I'm off (this Friday sounds good), and do all of that crap. Pay for the GRE, for transcripts, and finish my stupid personal statement and send it to my people.

I went through all of this once, and I think I just got tired of it and don't want to do it again. I wish the process were so much easier, where most or all of it was online and I didn't need to send hard copies of things to admissions guys. I need to clean my room and my desk and get more organized. Then I'll finally be able to concentrate. I did come down with this weird throat/nose sickness this week. I come home, or I stay home, and I just want to stay in bed, miserable. It's been a total downer.

My first application is due in a month. I'm freaking out a little because I don't want to miss the deadline. It's the application for The University of Toledo (where my friend Marshall resides, shout out to YOU!!!). I wouldn't mind going there because there are people there and near there whom I really care about. The crappy part is that they ask for a personal statement all about why I chose that program blah de blah. So now I get to write a second one just for UT. I hope it's worth it.

Well, enough bitching about graduate school. Many of us have to go through this tough stuff, so it's not like I'm the only one. I'm tired, my throat hurts, and I miss my boyfriend. I'm going to bed. I love you all, good night.

My final bitchy moment:

1 comment:

  1. I fucking hate jumping through hoops, which is all that any of this is. It's so subjective and annoying, and I haven't even gotten transcripts from my first college to start looking into online options for finishing my first degree, 'cause it's so much work!

    But I know you'll prevail, and if you ever need a change of scenery, you're welcome to come down here and work. I'll buy you coffee!

    I have a friend who wasn't accepted on her first or second tries, and she totally persevered. I think I would've decided life was leading me in a different direction. But I see you more like her, and I think that you're doing exactly the right stuff to gain acceptance!!
