Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Trouble with Blogging Is...

Is it a good thing that keeping up with my blog is my biggest problem in life right now? I'm gonna take a stab at it and say yes. Another problem used to be that I thought my computer was going to blow up. After two minutes of sitting there, scrolling through Tumblr, the fan would begin doing this incredibly loud roaring thing, the whole machine would get about as hot as, well, Ryan Gosling (and that's pretty damned hot). I decided that it was probably almost time for a new computer, so I promptly told my parents I would like to get one, and my mother replied with "How much money do you have saved for one?" My response, this face:
Oh yeah, I'm not in college anymore so my parents don't pay for my electronics
So I promptly decided that I would clean out my computer fan (like last time this happened) with canned air. Last time I did it, a crap ton of dust blew out and onto my belongings. This time, nothing flew out (that I could see at least), but I've been sitting here on my computer for at least two hours, and it's still purring like a kitten. The temperature of my computer is no longer at "Ryan Gosling," but more of a "fairly attractive guy you see on the RTA but don't want to waste time talking to him" temperature.

The whole point of that little story is that for a while, when my computer wanted to blast off into space, I would get really annoyed by it, so I decided to stop using it and just utilize my smartphone for its internetting abilities. But since I miraculously cured my computer (for now), I'm going to attempt to blog again.

Topic of the day: The Trouble with Blogging Is...

1. I sometimes don't know what to write. I don't know how these weekly bloggers always have things to write about! Maybe they're just more adventurous than I am and have a lot more going on in their lives.
2. I've mentioned this before, but I feel like my blog is pointless. It kind of functions as a journal, but if it's a journal, why make it public? I'm not living the life of Anne Frank, or Bridget Jones. I'm not that interesting. Or so I think.
3. I don't think I'm good enough to read. Lately, I've been reading a fellow classmate of mine's blog. She's a writer, a hilarious one at that, and has awesome stories about her move to Chicago from Akron as a new graduate. I enjoy reading it so much because it's funny and relatable (Blogger says that's not a word. I beg to differ).
4. MOTIVATION. Motivation to sit down and blog for however much time it takes. Motivation to actually be there and publish a post for any devoted followers (raise your hands). Motivations period. 

Why I'm going to say "Screw all of you troubles, I'm bigger than you!":

1. I'm going to try to write down a topic to write about throughout the week. I'm at the point in my life now where I feel like I'm an adult, and actual functioning human being with things going on in my life. Discovering new things daily. There's got to be something to write about. If I need to steal inspiration from other blogs, then so be it (not actually stealing, just idealizing) (Wait, idealizing is a word?)
2. People actually yell at me when I don't publish new posts for a while. I guess people are reading. Cheers to you. Let's go out for drinks and celebrate. For real though, I want to go out like real people and step away from the internets.
3. I've been feeling incredibly witty with my words lately, and a tiny bit creative. Therefore, I think my posts might be a little bit more interesting to read. With a little inspiration and a lot of, well, other inspiration, I too can be interesting!
4. I've been motivated to work out weekly, and I've been motivated to study, so why not be motivated to blog on a more frequent basis? My life is currently filled with all of the motivation.

I swear, this is the last post about me keeping up my blog. I'll have some more posts coming up very soonly about my classes at "Not Wooster" aka Cleveland State University. Just to be on top of everything, feel free to follow my blog publicly. I know you're reading it! Now own up to it! Do it!

I might try to fancy up my blog by linking it to others. Help me out Fenna, and teach me your ways!

Until next post, here's some positivity for everyone:

I've got all the money I'll ever need, if I die by four o'clock.
- Henny Youngman


  1. Oooh, I can make a right column for you, easy! Hey, don't forget that you're pretty and have good style. Photos (especially of yourself) make for great and easy content! You don't even have to write words! I know you go places and do things, so take pictures and post them!

    1. How do you take those selfies? Do you just have someone else take them for you?
