Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Nan Pengyou

Hello readers! I'm well aware it's been over a month since I've posted and I apologize. I've really just been working every single day, and have had nothing exciting to blog about. I will give you a personal update though!

The title of this post (pronounced "nahn pahngyo") means "boyfriend" in Chinese. It's the only Chinese word that I know, which I can also spell. I decided to use it as my title since the great enigma that is China has taken my boyfriend away for 11 days. It is true, he is off with his second love, where he is known as Zhan Keqi (sounds like "John Kuhchi," like Jankowski). He's doing some research for his Senior IS on China political something or other jargon. I swear I'm interested, and I really am! It just goes over my head ;) Last night was hard, being the first night he was gone, and we usually talk on the phone. Since then, we've Skyped, and I'm doing much better. I'm starting to accept that it's what he wants to spend the rest of his life studying/working with, and I am really proud of him.I plan to go visit him as soon as I get back. I'm really excited to see him and have our late Christmas <3
Adam's favorite part about China, which he calls the "shit slit."

Adam is in Beijing!

 So, I'm still in the process of applying for grad school. My first application was due on the 15th, for the University of Toledo. I feel like the CSDCAS part (blanket CSD app) of my application was/will be processed late because of transcript problems, but we can only hope for the best. While researching my other schools, I found out that Eastern Michigan University has a faculty member who's main focus is literacy and spelling, which is exactly what I want to encourage in the field of Speech-Language Pathology! I got so excited, and realized that EMU may be the perfect grad school for me. I'm hoping that for my new years trip to visit Adam, we can take a day trip to the campus to visit. You guys don't know how excited I am.

As I mentioned before, I've been working almost every day for the past two weeks. I love my hospital job and the hours I get. I'm starting to loathe my VS job. The management isn't really agreeable or easy to work with, and scheduling is always a hassle. I'm starting to consider quitting. I only really still work there for the discount and because I like most of my fellow associates. I really do enjoy the knowledge of the brand and products that I can share with the customer, but honestly, I'm taking a grad level course next semester and I don't know if I'll be able to take it all. I've been very back and forth about quitting, and yesterday was almost my breaking point. It's not really anything to get into, but it could be a big turning point in my "adult life."
I did enjoy the fashion show, though!

Is the end of the world on Friday? If so, I'll be working a 12 hour day, then drinking with my friends! If I wake up hungover on Saturday, at least it will have been a successful celebration of life (and I will probably still feel like I'm dying anyway). Though, if the world does end, it will suck that my boyfriend is in China.

I imagine "The Day After Tomorrow"

I just downloaded Snapchat. I think I'm going to like it.

Per usual, I appreciate your reads, and I'm going to challenge you! Give me ideas of things to write about in that little comment box below! I think that would be fun!! If you don't think so, then OH WELL!!

1 comment:

  1. I almost went to Eastern! Ypsi-Arbor is an awesome place, and there is a phallic water tower that is HILARIOUS! There's a really great vibe happening over there, and I think you'd fit in. Plus, they have an established swing scene. Just leave room on the floor for me to visit!

    Topics for future blog posts:
    Past Travels
    Future Travel Desires
    If you won the lottery, what would you do
    Any Instagram or photo posts...snapshots of your week
    Get political about Swing Dancing! Or don't.
    Fave bands...with videos...I would LOVE that
    What it was like growing up in Parma
    Why you love Cleveland
    Find some stupid survey meme and do that
    What's it like having a younger sister?
    How awesome you friend, Fenna, is!
