Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Favorite New Investments

It has been quite a while since I've posted. I'm surprised because I had taken some outfit pictures a while back of what was probably my favorite outfit that I've worn to work, as well as my first Kate Spade wristlet! I'll share them now instead!

In a previous post, I mentioned that I went on a Gap shopping spree thanks to my job's rewards program. This grey blazer was a part of the purchase (as well as the navy cropped pants, last worn here). As soon as I put it on, I fell in love. It's so soft, and it has a pretty light grey striped lining that looks adorable when you cuff the sleeves. Of course, I forgot a detail picture. Oh well! A couple of weeks later, I decided that I needed some more blouses, and I had a coupon for New York & Co., so I ended up buying this flowy blue tank.

Grey Blazer: Gap, Navy Cropped Pants: Gap, Flowy Blue Blouse: NY&Co

I am SO excited about my next investment (well, technically Adam's investment). He got me a Kate Spade wristlet for my birthday! I had been hinting about it, and sent him a coupon for it, and darn it, that guy came through! It's so beautiful, and perfect for every day use. It even holds my phone! I'm waiting until I finally get my big girl job to splurge on a handbag (I'm dead set on Maise). I'm glad that my eclectic Kate Spade collection is growing! I also won a 2015 planner from a blogger on Instagram! It's gorgeous, and I can't wait to use it next year!

The wristlet is more of a coral color, but you gotta use the Instagram filters!

A more timely update, if you haven't seen it on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: I got my hair cut! My long hair had gotten way too out of hand, so I decided to chop off about 8 inches, and go with the trendy shoulder-brushing length. I was pretty nervous, and a little emotional (sadly), but I'm so glad I went through with it! I love my hair, and I love my sister for giving me this cut!

Those are my updates! Another, that I'll write about soon, is that I've applied to grad school again, this time for something different! I can't wait to divulge! Until next time!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Apathy for Exercise

My name is Katie and I have a problem: I hate working out. Ok, I don't actually hate it, but I can't get into a routine, and I loathe that I can't do that. I find myself often getting bored while working out, and wondering when I should just be done and go back home. I also have a problem with figuring out what time I like working out best, leading to the aforementioned problem of not having a routine. Help me.

Here are some factors to take into account when trying to assist me in my pursuit of health:

1. I am a breakfast eater. I eat first thing when I wake up, and if I try to do any laborious activities before eating, such as climbing stairs or running, I start to feel lightheaded. I gotta have my pops!

2. My work hours can be inconsistent. I either start at 7 am or 3 pm, hindering a consistent routine.

3. I get bored quite quickly with exercising. Apathy all over the place.

4. I'm interested in group exercise, but not necessarily the price. I've tried, and would like to continue to do, yoga and pure barre.

5. My eating habits aren't necessarily conducive to losing weight. I have a sweet tooth out the wazoo. My portion sizes for meals are appropriate, but it's like I have a bottomless pit of a stomach when it comes to sweets.

I've gained nearly 15 pounds since graduating college, thanks to not dancing 2 or more times a week as well as having a job where I sit for up to 12 hours a day. I also can't say that I'm the most active of people on my days off (damn you, Netflix!) I want to get back into shape, but I am so apathetic about the actual exercising process that I just don't know where to start.

What kind of routine do you have that you have adapted into your life?  What helps you stay on track? Will you be my workout buddy?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Trending: Burgundy Cardigan

I've had a few really cute work outfits lately, partly because I worked 6 days in a row and didn't want to be boring, and they all have one thing in common: my burgundy cardigan from JC Penney. I didn't even realize it until I was compiling my pictures! I also realized that thanks to a recent highlight touch up, my hair looks great! So without further ado, my most recent "What I wore to work" compilation, along with "fun" titles that I think describe the outfit (because I feel like it).

Mad Men Secretary
This is my favorite outfit of the bunch, and I was definitely not going to save the best for last when it came down to it! The midi-length pencil skirt is actually a part of my work uniform that I *finally* received (not with much enthusiasm, mind you). The pants didn't fit right, so for now I'm stuck with a skirt, two shirts, and a vest. Not too much in terms of versatility, so I decided to do a little bit of incorporation (probably not really allowed, oops) and I am very happy with the outcome. Unfortunately, the skirt was damaged thanks to some sequins on my work bag (not purposefully, I swear), so I might end up having to send that one back too. I can't remember what shoes I wore with this outfit, but in all honestly it might have been my go-to Sperrys, or my new loafers that I'll show off in another outfit! Don Draper, get at me.

Brown Pencil Skirt: c/o Cintas, Blue Polka Dot Button Down: Land's End

 Whimsical Season Transitions Secretary
Apparently midi skirts are also a trend in this post. I had been really wanting to get some new midi skirts that were more neutral (compared to my bright pink Anthropologie skirt). When I went to visit Adam at home in Michigan for a few days, his mom told me she wanted to take me to this boutique that she thought I would love. So for an early birthday present, she had me pick out whatever I wanted, and I settled on this adorable ditsy flower print midi skirt. The only thing that would make it more perfect is if it had pockets, but that's okay because my cardigan does! The skirt is super flowy and comfortable, and the colors are definitely able to transition into fall. I'm 100% sure that I wore my Sperrys with this one. 

Midi Skirt: Class Act Boutique, Brown Shirt: Old

Yachting Weekend with the Kennedys Secretary
I think I look like I belong on a yacht with the Kennedys, (or Kate Middleton!) don't you? Or maybe it's just because I'm currently reading a book about them. Either way, this outfit was super nautical, and I'm totally okay with that. Thanks to my work's rewards program, I was able to redeem my points for $150 in Gap gift cards; spent it all at once, no regrets! Among my spoils, I bought these cropped navy pants during my spree, as well as a pair of incredibly comfy, black smoking shoes, which I have chosen to call loafers because I do not smoke. I've got it! Smoking hot loafers! Now how do I go about getting a patent...?

Navy Cropped Pants: Gap, Striped Boatneck Shirt: Gap Outlet
Black Smoking Hot Loafers: Gap

You done good, burgundy cardigan, you done good. Speaking of my hair (earlier), I've been wrestling with the idea of cutting it shorter for the fall, a la this:
Feel free to share your thoughts an opinions in the comments! I wish I could pull off the shorter Taylor Swift/Karlie Kloss look, but my hair will not do that and I pretty much don't want to take the time to make it do so. Until next time!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Fan Requests (AKA Marshall Requests)

In my last post, I answered 5 of 101 Thought Provoking Questions. So here are some fan request questions from that same list. Enjoy!

28. What brings you down the most often? Probably the fact that I'm still living in my childhood bedroom, working a part time job that isn't my dream job and not really getting anywhere at the moment. The fact that I can never get into grad school for speech therapy (as it were) because the process is disgustingly competitive, and because I networked in all the wrong places. I can hook you up with swing dancers all over the world, but I can't hook myself up with some connections to write me letters of recommendation for grad school. Wow that was dark.

36. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? Not everything will come as easily to you as you think it will. You've got to figure out how to study, work hard on applications, and put in extra effort in classes. Also, don't do your hair like that in middle and high school. And don't wear all black all the time just because you're in stage crew.

46. Do the people you love most know how much you love them? I sure hope they do. I try to tell them, and show them how much I love them. It's kind of weird, because my family isn't much of a hugging, say "I love you" all the time kind of family. Even though we don't verbalize it often, I think they still know.

82. In one word, what is standing between you and your biggest goal? I'm trying to decide between "grades" and "institution." Also, "money."

99. What do you enjoy doing over and over again? With my lack of going out dancing, I've found that I truly love going to a dance after months and rediscovering how much I love it and how the music and moves still flow right through me. I may get a little rusty, but that muscle memory is still there. It happens almost every time I go dancing, since I've been taking breaks from it so often. I also enjoy going to Kelley's Island over and over again. It's not the most exciting place on Earth, but I truly love it.

Sorry that a majority of this post revolved around my inability to get into grad school for speech, but I suppose that's how it panned out. In my next post, I'll actually be addressing that exact topic! Now it's time for me to go back and forth with myself, trying to decide if I should go swing dancing tonight. Until next time, friends. 
Me too, Ryan. Me too.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thought Provoking Questions

A website that I subscribe to sends me an email every Sunday called "Sunday Inspiration." In it are about 15-20 links for interesting articles, advice columns, and things to try. One of the links from today was called "101 Thought Provoking Questions." I opened it and immediately realized that I had found the cure to my blog writers block. I've got a few updates to give you guys, but I'll do that in another post. For now, I decided that I'm going to answer a few of these thought provoking questions (no not all 101!).

12. Have you made any recent acts of kindness? This one actually just happened yesterday. I was taking the Rapid to meet some friends downtown for the Tribe game (winners!). They were doing track work between my stop and the next, so we had to take a bus between the two. I ran into some out-of-towners who were also heading to the game, and they had no idea where to go/what to do. I basically took them under my wing and rode with them all the way downtown, then showed them how to get to the stadium. 

65. What makes life easier? Being happy, and not stressing so much about the little things. You've got to focus on the little things that make you content, instead of the little things that bring you down, and take them in. A sense of humor also helps, a lot. 

71. When was the last time you tried something new? On Thursday, I went to the gym with my sister and her boyfriend Nick. I ran on the treadmill for 2 miles, and Nick and Alyse did strength training. After my run, Alyse called me over and asked if I would bench press just the bar. I figured I haven't before, so why not? You wouldn't think a bar would weigh that much, but after that run, I was so worn out! My arms were shaky, and I was lifting so unevenly. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be benchpressing again any time soon.

81. If you could choose to have no more challenges or obstacles in life, would you? This one is hard, because it would be great if life would go exactly as I wanted it to. If I could get straight in to grad school, have enough money to pay my loans, anything. Yeah, life would be easier, but I don't think I would really learn much. I think my sense of responsibility and even my sense of empathy wouldn't be what it is. The challenges suck, but as cliche as this sounds, they really have made me who I am.

87. What could you pay more attention to in life? I think I could pay more attention to detail. I like to get my work done quickly, and I'm so sure of myself that I figure it's all right and I can turn it right in. As I've learned lately, that's not always the case. In my job, I pay a lot of attention to detail, but in my own work, I tend to slack on that part. I also think I need to pay more attention to what people tell me. I feel like I'm a good listener, but my retention isn't quite up to par. Oh, and nature. I think I've been taking nature for granted over the past 14 years. My papa used to take us hiking, fishing, and just experiencing life outside. I don't really do that anymore, and I've almost lost my appreciation for it (besides flowers of course).
These were just the few questions that I felt calling to me. If you see any on the list that you want me to answer, feel free to comment on this post with the number and the question! Now, I challenge you to answer some, or all of them, about yourself. Share your answers in the comments, and I'll be posting again soon!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Flippy Floppies

This post is going to be about literal, and metaphorical flippy floppies. First, for the literal: My cousin got me hooked on these flip flops called "Sanuks." They are made of recycled yoga mats (or beer koozies for men), and they are the second most comfortable things I have ever worn in my life (behind Ugg boots). I would never usually think about spending over $30 on a pair of flip flops, but trust me, they're worth it. And they're super cute too! Definitely try them out, they're a staple for a quick trip out the door!

Ok, now on to the metaphorical flippy floppies, or more accurately, my flip flopping. A few posts ago, I decided that I was going to take the reins of my future and stop relying on the mean system that is higher education, and make a different path for myself in the field of Child Life. Um, yeah, I take that back. I'm about halfway into my child life class, and I am NOT feeling it. With speech, I was so incredibly interested and excited to learn, and I realized that I just can't let it go anymore. I find myself caring absolutely nothing about my class, and it really is a shame. I don't really know what I'm going to do, or how I'm going to do it, but I am back to being determined to become an SLP.

I think I originally arrived at this decision when the head of the department told me I would have to go to grad school for child life. I figure, if I need to go to grad school, why not just apply to something that I really really really want to do? True, child life might not be as competitive, but I just don't want to do it. I'm proud of myself for trying it, but I now know that it's just not for me.

I'd like to get a good grade in the class so that I can have one more positive thing to add to applications in the fall, so hopefully I can achieve that. I'm kind of freaking out about who will write me letters of recommendation, since I'm far enough out of Wooster that my relationships with professors have kind of dissipated. I'm also really nervous that they don't really have faith in me, since it's been such a hard road. I'll definitely need to look for new connections this time around.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "Katie, what in the world are you going to do for the next year to enhance your applications?" and I'm honestly asking myself the exact same thing. I'm kicking myself for not taking the City Year interview senior year when I had the chance, and instead choosing the safe secretary route. But hey, hindsight is 20/20, and I'm apparently having a lot of that lately. I am going to apply to City Year again, and I'm also going to continue seeking out and applying for SLPA jobs in the DC area. I had thought about volunteering abroad, but I'm a homebody and the idea completely freaks me out. I also don't know which volunteer programs are best, or most legitimate so I feel lost at the same time.

In the interim, I was suggested by someone at work to fill in for a maternity leave (full-time) position in the fall, so I'm going to be shadowing for that. It's nice to get some recognition and to finally be making full-time pay, but again, it's not the job I crave. I am absolutely grateful for the opportunity, though, so I'm going to take advantage. I also might apply to an editing job in DC, because I like editing and it would get me closer to SLPA opportunities.

So, in conclusion, I'm going back to speech. If you have any leads on SLPA jobs, or "early language intervention" jobs, please please please keep me in mind. I am always open to suggestions from current SLPs, grad students, or adults in any field. Prayers, thoughts, and general support are always welcomed, and much, much appreciated. I'm kind of scared to be diverting myself back to this route of pain and rejection, but I am completely positive it is the one on which I belong, and I'm coming back swinging. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Bump in the Road

So, where we left off in our story, our glamorous heroine was well on her way to starting the post-bacc program in Child Life at the University of Akron. She went on to her first class, Direct Experiences in the Hospital, and was excited about the volunteer experiences that would follow, when her professor stated "The undergraduate program for child life has been canceled." *ENTER ROAD BLOCK AND RECORD SCRATCH* HEH?!

Turns out, child life is going to be one of those fields, such as speech pathology, that will require a master's degree in the not so distant future. It will also not require an undergraduate major in child life, therefore, higher learning institutions across America are getting rid of the program. I was searching for classes to take in the fall for the post-bacc program, and I was barely able to find any that I needed, so I decided to meet with the head of the program for some academic advising. We came to the conclusion that instead of take 50 something credits for a post-bacc program, it would be more "bang for my buck" to go the master's route, take less credits, and come out with more in the long run. I am agreeable.

The only problem is that this means I need to apply to the graduate program and wait an entire school year to be able to start classes; that is, if I even get accepted to the graduate school (a task in which I have had notoriously terrible luck in the past). This realization got me pretty down in the dumps, feeling "some typa way" if you will. As I'm sure I've vocalized in the past, I just want to get going with my career. I have had it up to about here with living at home, working a part time job that isn't that fulfilling to me, seemingly aging so fast that I'm this much closer to a retirement home consisting of a cardboard box (or more likely, my parents' house).

I was thinking about applying to some speech programs for the spring, but none of the schools that I want to attend accept for spring. So here I am, back where I started, bummed out and frustrated. I decided to go on a bike ride, after Adam talked me down from my bad mood, and I'm much more sensible about it. I'm going to continue taking my classes, since they're prerequisites for the child life masters program. I'm also going to continue my volunteering at Rainbow after my course is over. I want to stand out, and prove that I'm more than just my GPA, that I'm determined and ready to commit to a graduate program and a career. 

Another thing that I feel like I need in the interim is a full time job. It was mentioned to me last week that someone had brought up my name as a suggestion for a maternity leave fill-in for three months this fall in another department. I have no idea who suggested me, but ego-boost much?! The job is presumably full time, so I'm going to meet with someone from the department, hopefully soon, to figure out if it's a good fit. I'm kind of excited about it, because it's a mini-promotion, at least in my mind. I'll miss my floor, but I'll visit, and I'm sure the 3 months would go by oh so quickly.

Just like I want this next year to go by quickly. But I know I shouldn't want that. I need to live day to day, without worrying too much about the future. My career can wait; it will come. Moving out can wait; it will come. I need to make every day count. I'm going to do just that, and figure out why exactly the Universe put this little (somewhat frustrating, but manageable) road bump in front of me.

I made this the background on my computer, to remind me that doors are opening for me, and I just need to find them.
P.S. I'm doing very well in my classes so far. I intend to keep it up :)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Move On, but Don't Give Up

Ever since I made the decision to move forward from applying to grad school and decided to pursue child life, I've felt a sort of sadness; I truly do love speech pathology, and I don't want to move on entirely. Therefore, I decided that I am going to continue to apply to Cleveland State, every year, just to keep a little hope for a chance to become a speech pathologist. I feel like I will truly love child life, but in my gut, speech is my passion. So there it is, I'm moving on, but not giving up!

In other news, my friend Tim is moving to Cleveland. I get to show him all around and help him try to figure out where to live! I'm excited because he's a fellow Woosterite, and super awesome. Hooray for more Wooster friends in Cleveland; I'm collecting them.

Otherwise, there's not really much going on. I got in to both of my classes for the summer, which I'm seriously excited about (love me some school supplies), and I get to volunteer in the hospital with a child life specialist for 5 hours a week. I'm excited for spring and summer, and Adam comes to visit in 2 weeks.

Oh, and NBC cancelled Community, one of my favorite shows, so there's that.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Colorblocking 'til the Sun Comes Out

I wore my grey skirt to work the other day because I'm so tired of wearing my dress pants. This winter has been much less fashion forward than I had hoped, so I didn't think anything of my outfit until I glanced myself in the mirror after work. I realized that I had colorblocked like crazy and it actually looked good. I must have subconsciously been looking out for myself and my lack of fashion at the time. My phone even matched the ensemble. I'm aching for spring-like weather, and to go shopping for a few new pick-me-ups for my wardrobe.
Magenta sweater: Aerie; Grey skirt with black border: H&M; Purple cardigan: H&M

You also may have noticed that my nails are painted oddly. They're red and blue from the Indians game the night before. I didn't have time to do them differently, so yolo. This Russian guy actually came in to ask a question and noticed them, so he asked if that's how everyone is wearing them now. I was kind of embarrassed haha.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Tentative Future

Long time, no post, eh? That's because I've been waiting out this whole grad school thing, just so I could decide what announcements to make. As it were, I've officially been rejected from 7 schools.  The 8th school, University of Virginia, sent out acceptances a while ago (I've been perusing a grad school message board), so I'm not going to hold my breath. 

So, in lieu of crying and being depressed, which I haven't actually been, I'm just a bit bitter, I'm officially going to be moving forward with my Plan B. I will be attending The University of Akron for a post-bacc program in Child Life. It will end up taking me about two years, the length of a masters program, as well as a 480 hour internship. The field is relatively new, and kind of unknown, so here is a description the child life career from the Child Life Council website
"Child life specialists are trained professionals with expertise in helping children and their families overcome life’s most challenging events. Armed with a strong background in child development and family systems, child life specialists promote effective coping through play, preparation, education, and self-expression activities. They provide emotional support for families, and encourage optimum development of children facing a broad range of challenging experiences, particularly those related to healthcare and hospitalization. Because they understand that a child’s wellbeing depends on the support of the family, child life specialists provide information, support and guidance to parents, siblings, and other family members. They also play a vital role in educating caregivers, administrators, and the general public about the needs of children under stress. "
Working on an inpatient floor of a hospital for almost two years has shown me just how important these types of support systems can be. I'm excited to finally get a jump on my career path after sitting here, trying to get past the (seemingly) mean hierarchy of education ever since I graduated. I plan to take some general classes like anatomy and medical terminology this summer at Tri-C, to save some money and to just get going. I can't wait to expand my brain; I've been so bored. I'm also excited to defer my student loan payments.

I figure that I'll work for a few years, and get a feel for the field of Child Life. If I know in my gut that I really want to go back to speech-language pathology, I'll apply to grad school with all new grades, letters of recommendation, and views on life.

Since I'll still be here in Cleveland for at least the next two years, I applied to another part time job as an office assistant in the RAP Clinic at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital. If my research is correct, RAP stands for "recognition and prevention," in regards to mental illness in children. I'm in the market for a change, and this clinic sounds incredibly interesting.

Hopefully I'll be able to provide many more posts and updates in the near future. I'll let you know if Virginia blows this plan up and decides to accept me late in the game. And now, I'll leave you with this quote that a fellow Facebooker posted about a week ago. I feel like it really applies to me, and I'm happy to live by it:

One day she finally grasped that unexpected things were always going to happen in life. And with that she realized the only control she had was how she choose to handle them. So, she made the decision to survive using courage humor and grace. She was the queen of her life and the choice was hers! - See more at:
One day she finally grasped that unexpected things were always going to happen in life. And with that she realized the only control she had was how she choose to handle them. So, she made the decision to survive using courage humor and grace. She was the queen of her life and the choice was hers! - See more at:

Friday, March 21, 2014

A Month Later and Some Updates

Hello everyone! It's been exactly a month since I last blogged, so I figured it was time for an update. I finally bought a new computer last month! It's a Macbook Pro and I'm really happy with it, though I'm having some internet issues, so I might have to make a run to the Apple store.

Another new thing, I started running. Yes, you heard that right. I randomly decided that I wanted to start running and I actually like it a lot! I've only been inside on the treadmill, trying to make at least 2 miles. I'm very inconsistent in when I run and how long I actually run, compared to walking, but I always go at least 2 miles. I would like to start going more often, and I also need to look up good running technique. I can't wait till I can try running outside!
I think I want to get this tank, just because of its irony.
Though, I REALLY want to get this shirt, because Daryl.

Ah, grad school. So far, I've been rejected from three schools (LaSalle, WVU, and Old Dominion), and five more to go. I'm supposed to be getting a letter from Loyola Maryland sometime within the next few days, so hopefully it holds good news. The only school that I REALLY want to get in to is Gallaudet, so I'm hoping and praying that it works out. If not, I've done a lot of research into the Child Life program at Akron, and I've even applied non-degree, just in case.

I haven't had too much going on, so I'm sorry for lack of content or posts. I do have a few more blog request posts to do, so I'm going to try to get those going too. I'm on my way to DC early Monday morning to celebrate IS Monday with that crowd, and maybe see some cherry blossoms (doubt it).  I'm aching for spring! I just looked out of my window and there's some snow/freezing rain falling right now. I just want sun and skirts! DC's weather isn't supposed to be much nicer, so I'm just going to have to pretend for now.

All in all, I'm just sitting here waiting, trying to work some extra hours and impatiently waiting to hear from schools. So, you know, the usual. Thanks for the good thoughts everyone, hopefully I'll have some good news for you soon.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Blog Request Series #1: TV Shows to Watch

Holy crap. I just realized that I've been blogging without indenting any paragraphs. Is that a blogging faux pas, or is it acceptable in the internet world? Someone, let me know, this is a crisis!

Anyway, a couple of posts ago, I was having a whole other crisis: I was at a lack of things to write about, so I asked for requests. This is the first in a series of request posts, and I'm starting with "Which TV shows should I watch?"Over the past six months, I've been utilizing Netflix. I finally got my own account once I realized how hooked I was on these shows. I'm prone to comedies and some dramas, depending, so here's a list of my Netflix favorites:

Orange is the New Black: The hype is incredibly warranted. This show is groundbreaking, funny, heartbreaking, and it keeps you wanting more. It tells the story of Piper Chapman, an upper middle class white woman who gets sent to prison for a past of drug smuggling with her (then) girlfriend (Laura Prepon). The series not only follows Piper, but it tells the back stories of most of the inmates in the prison. I love a good back story, and believe me these stories delivered. I find myself rooting for these characters and getting incredibly invested in their lives. I found myself loving the characters I hated, rooting for those that I never thought I'd care much about, and lamenting the day that I watched the final episode. The cast is phenomenally diverse and so full of equally diverse personalities, and I can't wait for the next season (which I believe is to be released this April or June).

30 Rock: Last summer I read Tina Fey's autobiography Bossypants. Once I finished the book, she not only became my idol, but she got me instantly interested in seeing anything that came out of this brilliantly funny woman's mind. Enter 30 Rock. Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) is the head writer for The Girly Show (basically SNL) on NBC, when new boss Jack (Alec Baldwin) comes in and wants to revamp the entire show by adding a famous comedic actor/tabloid favorite, Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan). Initially, Liz hates Jack, but over the series they fall into a "mentor-mentee" relationship. The show chronicles Liz's hardships as a single thirty-something in NYC, juggling being a successful female writer, taking care of every mess that Jenna and Tracy might cause, and just wanting to sit at home and watch Dance Moms on her DVR while eating poptarts. 30 Rock also features many SNL alumni, as well as famous actors such as Paul Reubens, Matt Damon, and Oprah! The writing is HILARIOUS, and each of the characters has their own quirks that make them all favorites. Basically, Liz is every woman's spirit animal and I wish I could be like her in every way.  The celebrity guests never ceased to surprise me, and I'm seriously considering watching the series again because it's just that funny. Blerg!

House of Cards: Adam is a huge HOC fan, and he suggested that I watch it. I'm not normally a fan of dramas or shows that break the fourth wall, but I've had more than one person suggest it, so I decided to give it a try. I wasn't hooked on the first episode, but I decided to keep going and I was pulled right in. Maybe it's because Adam lives in DC now, but I feel really connected to the show since it takes place in a city that I've been frequenting. Frank is a South Carolina congressman, as well as the Democratic party whip (I've learned all kinds of government terms and positions thanks to this show). He's married to Claire, a beautiful, smart and successful businesswoman who wants nothing more than to support her husband in any way she can. Both are conniving, cunning, and striving to land Frank the ultimate job; leader of the free world. At first I was incredibly bothered by the amount of infidelity in this show, but I quickly learned that Frank, Claire, and many other characters will do whatever is necessary to get what they want. I'm constantly surprised at the way Frank handles situations and is able to predict how people will react. I also can't get over how much I like Claire; she's so eloquent, fashionable, and independent. Again, I found myself rooting for characters whom I never thought I would. I also found myself researching a lot more about the government than I ever thought I would. It's kind of hard for me to completely describe this series. It's just something you have to watch yourself because of all of the manipulation, murder, and whipping (take that how you will) that happens throughout. It constantly makes me wonder how much of it might actually happen in our real life government....

Freaks and Geeks:  I'm SO glad I decided to watch this show. Like many of the greats, it saw its end too early and lasted merely one season, only to grow a cult following years later. Freaks and Geeks chronicles Lindsey (mathlete turned "freak") and her brother Sam's (geek) experiences in high school with their friends, crushes, teachers, and parents. I've realized that I love anything that Judd Apatow writes, and this show does not disappoint. The situations are hilarious and real, the characters are loveable and laughable. This show may present the parts of high school that suck, but it also lays out the part of high school that was my favorite: the ability to cross clique lines, yet stay genuine. Not only does this series showcase awesome talent, but it's also the start of most of these people's careers. It's a star studded cast and hilarious writing, what more could you ask for? I can't sing enough praises for Freaks and Geeks. I just finished the last episode a few days ago, and I'm already itching to start watching it from the beginning again. Oh, and after you finish the series, google the reunion. It will give you all of the feels.

So there you have it, my favorite Netflix-able TV shows. This post taught me that I am no good whatsoever at writing reviews, so I'm going to try to practice. Let me know how you feel about these shows if you decide to watch them, and if you have any suggestions for what I should watch, get at me! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Outfit Post: Trying a Sweater Trend

I try to keep up on fashion blogs, and lately I've been seeing this trend of layering a long sleeved shirt under a half or three-quarter sleeved sweater. I was sick of being in the winter fashion slump, so I decided to take the chance and try the trend for myself. I have to say, it turned out well! Besides the harsh lighting at work making the plaid visible underneath my thin sweater, I was really happy with the combination I chose. I got lots of compliments on the color, and I can't wait to try it again sometime! 

Coral Sweater: Forever 21, Plaid Button Down: JC Penny

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

In Need of Some Inspiration: Help!

It's been a while since I've blogged, and therefore I'm sorry to everyone who wants to keep up on my life (read: Marshall). I haven't written anything in a while because it's really just been the same old, same old. I did visit Adam in DC a couple of weeks ago, so that's new. Otherwise, I've been waiting to hear from grad schools, per my usual around this time of year. In the meantime, I took a step and got my own Netflix account; very adult of me. Thanks Nate for letting me mooch after all of this time.

I've kept up on some of my new year's resolutions in that I've been keeping a journal. Not every day, but whenever something happens, or if I just feel like writing. I'm also going to be going out dancing this Friday, Valentine's day, so that keeps up on my dancing resolution. I've been slacking on the working out and being active instead of being on the internet, thanks to Netflix and House of Cards, but I had a really good workout yesterday so I'm hoping to be much more motivated in the near future. Plus it's been REALLY cold the past few days. Can't go out in that (is what I'm telling myself)!

As you can see by the title of this post, I'm at a lack of inspiration for my recent blogging adventures. I'm pretty sure everyone is probably sick of reading about my lack of working out, my grad school woes, and my general repetitive life things, so I thought I'd ask a favor of you. Help me out and give me a prompt to write about: Ask me any question regarding my life that you might want to know about, or just ask me about anything. I'll gladly do a mini research blog. In fact, I'd like to, since my brain is so bored. I was also addicted to those Myspace and Facebook surveys back in the day, so if that's your style, I love it. You are the reader, and I'm going to cater to you. Tell me what YOU want to read about! If you want recommendations about TV, music, hobbies, anything, get at me! I'm even willing to give advice to anonymous (or non) questions! Or you could take it upon yourself  to recommend that I try something, and then I can write a response after trying said thing. I'm actually really motivated about this, so indulge me, if you will.

In the meantime, I'll be reading, hopefully working out, and watching Netflix. Until next time, dear readers! And remember, send your girlfriend (or boyfriend) flowers on Friday!

If I had known this Valentine had existed before now, I would have sent it to Adam. (Source:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Praying for Spring in a Skater Dress

It's been relatively warm this week (comparatively to the polar vortex), so I decided that I wanted to pull out a dress for work! I bought two of this dress, one in blue and one in this coral color, from Express last spring, and I've gotten a good amount of use out of them. They were pretty cheap, and they're super comfy. I'm relatively sure that they're still making them. This style has an exposed zipper in the back that I, of course, didn't photograph.

For this outfit, I paired it with a long sleeve ditsy floral button down, some burgundy tights, and my riding boots. This dress has a seam at the waist and it almost needs a belt. I was in a lot of distress because I don't have a dark brown belt to match my boots, so I decided that no belt was better than a mismatched belt. I threw the cardigan over top to kind of hide the need for a belt, though I liked the outfit better with the shirt sleeves exposed. I'm definitely adding "waist belts that match my shoes" to my shopping list next time I go out.

Coral Skater Dress: Express
Floral Button Down: LC Lauren Conrad for Kohls
Brown Cardigan: JC Penney
Burgundy Tights: Old
Brown Riding Boots: Gift (JC Penney?)

I guess my style icon for the day is Jess from New Girl, because my outfit was so whimsical and girly. I can't wait for spring, so I can buy more dresses and skirts!

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 New Year's Revolutions

I based the title of my post on that silly AT&T commercial with the guy and the kids. I know it's resolutions, guys, come on now. Anyway,  I haven't written in a while, so I figured why not focus on my new years goals (since I keep talking about goals I'd like to achieve on here anyway). In no particular order, here they are:
  • Work out more and eat better- I'd like to work out more because I've gained weight and gotten out of shape in the two years since graduation. I want to be the healthiest, most able me that I can be, and I'm motivated to change my lifestyle to enable this change. 
  • Go out dancing again- A few months ago, I swore off dancing for a while (no stamina thanks to not being active, loss of my favorite people to go dancing with). Once I gave it up, I felt jealous of people who were going out, and I missed it. I'm going to try really hard to feel fulfilled after a  night of dancing, no matter who I dance with that night. Dancing has become a part of me, and there's no way I can just ditch it.
  • Keep a journal- I love writing. Like, pen to paper writing. Blogging just isn't the same. I decided that I want to buy a journal for me to cherish and to write down memories, thoughts, and every day things that I can come back to in the future. I'm kind of sad I didn't do it earlier, but that's what these blogs are for, I suppose. I would also like to keep a "Successes and Memories of 2014" jar, though, along with this blog and a journal, that might be overkill.
  • Save more money- Self-explanatory. I'd like to move out one day, buy a new car, a new phone, and a new computer. I'm not sure if I'm going to budget, but I'm going to figure out a saving system that works for me. Car troubles and student loans seem to keep kicking me in the shins, though. We'll see what more hours at work and less shopping can do for me.
  • Spend less time on the internet and instead, take a walk, read, and play mandolin- I am SO bored with the internet. I'm tired of sitting and staring at a a screen all day. Instead, I'm going to get active, physically and mentally. I got a bunch of mandolin accessories for Christmas, and I intend to use them. I've also got a giant list of books on my Goodreads account that I'd love to chop down.
  • Visit my friends in far off places- I've got friends all over: York, DC, Chicago, NYC, Florida, South Carolina, California. I'd love to visit them all. Even though I said I want to spend money, I'm going to try to visit as many people as possible, on as small of a budget as possible. Adding on to this, I'm finally going to get a passport. I bought a Kate Spade passport holder on sale, and now I need a passport for it. Perfect motivation!
2013 was a year of ups and downs, developments, plateaus, and learning. As I sit here with my new electric blanket, I'm inspired to talk about the things that this past year brought me. It brought me a year of dating my boyfriend, and another year of applying to grad school and being turned down. I learned a lot about myself, including that I'm willing to apply to jobs out of state because I'm so determined to develop more and to be a little adventurous. 2013 also brought me incredibly close to my love, Justin Timberlake. I finally got to see him in concert and my life is almost complete. 2013 made me second guess some of my life choices, and some of my pastimes. I eliminated some, and quickly realized how much a part of me they are. I also realized that I could probably be happy in more than one career, so if I don't get in to school this year, I am going to instead pursue a career as a child life specialist. I feel just as strongly about what the profession does, and if I feel so compelled, I could always go back to speech later.

This past year was definitely a learning and growing experience. A "rebuilding year," as we like to call it in Cleveland. I'm ready to grow and use 2014 as a pathway to an improved me. I'm only going to do things that are productive for my happiness and my future. I'm not going to linger on things. If something is meant to be, it's meant to be. Whether it's going to take a calendar, or a desk full of reminder notes, I'm going to hold myself accountable. If you'd like, you can hold me accountable as well! I'll try to post updates about my progress and any added goals that I'd like to achieve throughout the year!

Here's to the new year, and to electric blankets in single digit weather!

New Years Eve with this guy!
The Justin Experience!