Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 New Year's Revolutions

I based the title of my post on that silly AT&T commercial with the guy and the kids. I know it's resolutions, guys, come on now. Anyway,  I haven't written in a while, so I figured why not focus on my new years goals (since I keep talking about goals I'd like to achieve on here anyway). In no particular order, here they are:
  • Work out more and eat better- I'd like to work out more because I've gained weight and gotten out of shape in the two years since graduation. I want to be the healthiest, most able me that I can be, and I'm motivated to change my lifestyle to enable this change. 
  • Go out dancing again- A few months ago, I swore off dancing for a while (no stamina thanks to not being active, loss of my favorite people to go dancing with). Once I gave it up, I felt jealous of people who were going out, and I missed it. I'm going to try really hard to feel fulfilled after a  night of dancing, no matter who I dance with that night. Dancing has become a part of me, and there's no way I can just ditch it.
  • Keep a journal- I love writing. Like, pen to paper writing. Blogging just isn't the same. I decided that I want to buy a journal for me to cherish and to write down memories, thoughts, and every day things that I can come back to in the future. I'm kind of sad I didn't do it earlier, but that's what these blogs are for, I suppose. I would also like to keep a "Successes and Memories of 2014" jar, though, along with this blog and a journal, that might be overkill.
  • Save more money- Self-explanatory. I'd like to move out one day, buy a new car, a new phone, and a new computer. I'm not sure if I'm going to budget, but I'm going to figure out a saving system that works for me. Car troubles and student loans seem to keep kicking me in the shins, though. We'll see what more hours at work and less shopping can do for me.
  • Spend less time on the internet and instead, take a walk, read, and play mandolin- I am SO bored with the internet. I'm tired of sitting and staring at a a screen all day. Instead, I'm going to get active, physically and mentally. I got a bunch of mandolin accessories for Christmas, and I intend to use them. I've also got a giant list of books on my Goodreads account that I'd love to chop down.
  • Visit my friends in far off places- I've got friends all over: York, DC, Chicago, NYC, Florida, South Carolina, California. I'd love to visit them all. Even though I said I want to spend money, I'm going to try to visit as many people as possible, on as small of a budget as possible. Adding on to this, I'm finally going to get a passport. I bought a Kate Spade passport holder on sale, and now I need a passport for it. Perfect motivation!
2013 was a year of ups and downs, developments, plateaus, and learning. As I sit here with my new electric blanket, I'm inspired to talk about the things that this past year brought me. It brought me a year of dating my boyfriend, and another year of applying to grad school and being turned down. I learned a lot about myself, including that I'm willing to apply to jobs out of state because I'm so determined to develop more and to be a little adventurous. 2013 also brought me incredibly close to my love, Justin Timberlake. I finally got to see him in concert and my life is almost complete. 2013 made me second guess some of my life choices, and some of my pastimes. I eliminated some, and quickly realized how much a part of me they are. I also realized that I could probably be happy in more than one career, so if I don't get in to school this year, I am going to instead pursue a career as a child life specialist. I feel just as strongly about what the profession does, and if I feel so compelled, I could always go back to speech later.

This past year was definitely a learning and growing experience. A "rebuilding year," as we like to call it in Cleveland. I'm ready to grow and use 2014 as a pathway to an improved me. I'm only going to do things that are productive for my happiness and my future. I'm not going to linger on things. If something is meant to be, it's meant to be. Whether it's going to take a calendar, or a desk full of reminder notes, I'm going to hold myself accountable. If you'd like, you can hold me accountable as well! I'll try to post updates about my progress and any added goals that I'd like to achieve throughout the year!

Here's to the new year, and to electric blankets in single digit weather!

New Years Eve with this guy!
The Justin Experience!

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