Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thought Provoking Questions

A website that I subscribe to sends me an email every Sunday called "Sunday Inspiration." In it are about 15-20 links for interesting articles, advice columns, and things to try. One of the links from today was called "101 Thought Provoking Questions." I opened it and immediately realized that I had found the cure to my blog writers block. I've got a few updates to give you guys, but I'll do that in another post. For now, I decided that I'm going to answer a few of these thought provoking questions (no not all 101!).

12. Have you made any recent acts of kindness? This one actually just happened yesterday. I was taking the Rapid to meet some friends downtown for the Tribe game (winners!). They were doing track work between my stop and the next, so we had to take a bus between the two. I ran into some out-of-towners who were also heading to the game, and they had no idea where to go/what to do. I basically took them under my wing and rode with them all the way downtown, then showed them how to get to the stadium. 

65. What makes life easier? Being happy, and not stressing so much about the little things. You've got to focus on the little things that make you content, instead of the little things that bring you down, and take them in. A sense of humor also helps, a lot. 

71. When was the last time you tried something new? On Thursday, I went to the gym with my sister and her boyfriend Nick. I ran on the treadmill for 2 miles, and Nick and Alyse did strength training. After my run, Alyse called me over and asked if I would bench press just the bar. I figured I haven't before, so why not? You wouldn't think a bar would weigh that much, but after that run, I was so worn out! My arms were shaky, and I was lifting so unevenly. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be benchpressing again any time soon.

81. If you could choose to have no more challenges or obstacles in life, would you? This one is hard, because it would be great if life would go exactly as I wanted it to. If I could get straight in to grad school, have enough money to pay my loans, anything. Yeah, life would be easier, but I don't think I would really learn much. I think my sense of responsibility and even my sense of empathy wouldn't be what it is. The challenges suck, but as cliche as this sounds, they really have made me who I am.

87. What could you pay more attention to in life? I think I could pay more attention to detail. I like to get my work done quickly, and I'm so sure of myself that I figure it's all right and I can turn it right in. As I've learned lately, that's not always the case. In my job, I pay a lot of attention to detail, but in my own work, I tend to slack on that part. I also think I need to pay more attention to what people tell me. I feel like I'm a good listener, but my retention isn't quite up to par. Oh, and nature. I think I've been taking nature for granted over the past 14 years. My papa used to take us hiking, fishing, and just experiencing life outside. I don't really do that anymore, and I've almost lost my appreciation for it (besides flowers of course).
These were just the few questions that I felt calling to me. If you see any on the list that you want me to answer, feel free to comment on this post with the number and the question! Now, I challenge you to answer some, or all of them, about yourself. Share your answers in the comments, and I'll be posting again soon!

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