Wednesday, February 12, 2014

In Need of Some Inspiration: Help!

It's been a while since I've blogged, and therefore I'm sorry to everyone who wants to keep up on my life (read: Marshall). I haven't written anything in a while because it's really just been the same old, same old. I did visit Adam in DC a couple of weeks ago, so that's new. Otherwise, I've been waiting to hear from grad schools, per my usual around this time of year. In the meantime, I took a step and got my own Netflix account; very adult of me. Thanks Nate for letting me mooch after all of this time.

I've kept up on some of my new year's resolutions in that I've been keeping a journal. Not every day, but whenever something happens, or if I just feel like writing. I'm also going to be going out dancing this Friday, Valentine's day, so that keeps up on my dancing resolution. I've been slacking on the working out and being active instead of being on the internet, thanks to Netflix and House of Cards, but I had a really good workout yesterday so I'm hoping to be much more motivated in the near future. Plus it's been REALLY cold the past few days. Can't go out in that (is what I'm telling myself)!

As you can see by the title of this post, I'm at a lack of inspiration for my recent blogging adventures. I'm pretty sure everyone is probably sick of reading about my lack of working out, my grad school woes, and my general repetitive life things, so I thought I'd ask a favor of you. Help me out and give me a prompt to write about: Ask me any question regarding my life that you might want to know about, or just ask me about anything. I'll gladly do a mini research blog. In fact, I'd like to, since my brain is so bored. I was also addicted to those Myspace and Facebook surveys back in the day, so if that's your style, I love it. You are the reader, and I'm going to cater to you. Tell me what YOU want to read about! If you want recommendations about TV, music, hobbies, anything, get at me! I'm even willing to give advice to anonymous (or non) questions! Or you could take it upon yourself  to recommend that I try something, and then I can write a response after trying said thing. I'm actually really motivated about this, so indulge me, if you will.

In the meantime, I'll be reading, hopefully working out, and watching Netflix. Until next time, dear readers! And remember, send your girlfriend (or boyfriend) flowers on Friday!

If I had known this Valentine had existed before now, I would have sent it to Adam. (Source:

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