Monday, June 11, 2012

Here's a post!

Sorry if these posts seem pretty bland, working an 8 hour a day job is trying on your social life (#firstworldproblems). 

I've actually started my new job! I mean, I'm basically shadowing the current secretaries for now, but I'm on the floor. The first few days I was in an orientation that didn't really pertain to me, but it was chill. I like the job. The people are pretty cool, the patients who walk the floor seem very nice, and the work isn't too difficult. We're supposed to wear a uniform, but I don't have mine yet. I'm a little excited to get measured for it, but I don't want them to order it too big and make me look all matronly. I can't wait to make bunches of money and save for all kinds of things! Now I'll actually have to put things into my savings.

I realized that I've always wanted to work at University Hospitals, and I finally do. My dream has come true!!

Thursday, I went to the Cleveland at Detroit baseball game with Adam. It was tons of fun! I wore my Indians jersey, and he wore his Tigers jersey, which kind of caused a scene with the local folk. Sadly, the Tigers won (my friends blame me for being there), but I still had a lot of fun. We walked around Detroit, went to Pizzapapolis, and had a romantic stroll by the river where we could see Canada! We also rode a ferris wheel with cars shaped like baseballs! It was a lovely date :)

Adam loves "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen, so I decided that i wanted to make a music video for him. Andrew helped me out since he has a camera and a green screen. It was hastily made, with no prior thought, but it was a lot of fun to make. Apparently, he loved it.

Here it is!

Tonight, I finally go back to work at Victoria's Secret, to set up for Semi-Annual Sale. I'm excited, because I miss the girls that  I work with!

I know I keep saying I'm going to post pictures of my new furniture, but I still haven't gotten to getting rid of some stuff. It needs to happen before Adam visits again, that's for sure. Hopefully some of my next posts will involve Katie, Joe, and I going around to fun Cleveland events and locations!

Adult thought of the day: Really think about what you want to save your money for, and what you want to spend it on. Make a list of things to buy now, and things to save for for later. For example, I'm saving money for my KI trip, and maybe to move out eventually. I might spend some money on a new Vera Bradley bag, or a new phone. I'm going to take hella advantage of my new virtual wallet at PNC Bank.

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