Monday, June 25, 2012

Sorry for the lack of content

Hello all! I know it's been a while since I've blogged, and that's because all I've been doing the past week or so has been working. I'm starting to get the hang of the fast paced hospital routine, hopefully I'll get the hang of it by the time I'm on my own. I start training on evening shift tonight, 3-11:30. That should be interesting.

Speaking of my new job, apparently I was a retard an entered my routing number incorrectly on my direct deposit forms, sooooooo I didn't get paid. I've been sitting here waiting on it, hoping it will deposit so I can buy things and get my hair done tomorrow! I don't want to have to move money over from my savings. I hate doing that. In the mean time, I guess I can try to budget it since I do know how much I was supposed to be paid.

More news in money, I got my security deposit back from Wooster. They charged me for a late check out, which I don't understand because I was a senior, and they also charged me some outrageous $100 fee. I'm calling today to bitch them out.

No news yet on the CSU classes or program. I just emailed a new lady yesterday, so hopefully she'll get back to me.

I had planned to start working out in the morning this week, but as you can see, I'm writing this instead of being outside biking or doing Zumba. The weather is actually really nice for being active, (cloudy and 65 degrees). Perhaps I'll get my butt out there after this.

On Saturday, I went with a bunch of Wooster friends to go see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at the House of Blues. It's my second time seeing them and they're always a lot of fun. We saw a few of our friends from the Cleveland dance scene out there as well. I really liked dancing to my favorite local band, The Madison Crawl, just  because I like their music a bit more (and the fans always flood the floor once the main band comes on). We kept getting compliments on our dancing from people who were sitting or standing near us. It made me feel good because I haven't danced in the longest time, and I felt like I had started to lose what I had worked so hard to build up. If time permits, I'll also be going dancing this Saturday at the new location for the Get Hep Swing dances.

Not too much else to report on. If I find something, I'll get at ya.

No new pictures either, so instead, I'll post a picture of Kermit from Jenna Marbles.

I don't really want a dog, but if I had to get one, this breed (Italian Greyhound) would be one of my choices

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Motivation to be Motivated

Hey guys! It's summer! You all know what that means: bikinis, crop tops, short shorts, allergies, living at home after graduating from college....

Okay, so those last two kind of suck, but  I'm trying to get over them. Something that I seem to be lacking lately is motivation. I've started a new 8 hour work day job (in addition to whatever I can put in at VS), which takes up my time from about 6am to 4 pm. When I get home, I'm absolutely wiped out and just want to pass out. On my days off, I like to take advantage of the ability to sleep in, and I end up doing so until about 11am. Being that I would like to get back into shape for this summer, I'm going to try to get a daily workout and productivity regimen going. This is in the first few stages, so it's just going to be a giant list (you know me and lists). Here's what I would LIKE to do:

  • Get up at 8:30 on days that I have off, or don't work until the evening. Eat a quick breakfast, then head to The Y, or Seven Hills Rec (depending on which I belong to at the time) for about an hour work out. I would like to try to work out every other day (I go some Tues-Thurs evenings with my mom), but considering I have a Kelleys Island trip coming up, I might want to work out more often. Since God knows I probably won't change much of my eating habits, working out is going to be a must. Plus I've got a swimwear shoot coming up! I'd like to look pretty damn good for that. 
  • In addition to working out, I'd like to lay outside for a little bit each day that it's nice out, to try to get some color!
  • Keep my room relatively clean. Who knows when I'll have random visits from people (especially Adam!). Therefore I should finally clean my room and get stuff figured out for a garage sale or something. I don't have that much stuff, but I really would like to get some cash for it. 
  • Get things done, pertaining to reserving the hotel for the wedding, figuring out how I'm going to get into the CSU program, etc. I know I keep going on and on about this stuff, but it's just on my mind. 
  • Keep from laying down in my bed during the day. I know summer is really good for watching entire seasons of TV shows (Boy Meets World is what I'm still currently watching), but I would feel a lot better about myself if I kept on my feet, maybe running some errands, or exploring some stores in other parts of Cleveland. 
  • My final thing I want to try to do to keep motivated is something that I picked up from my mom. She takes 8 flights of stairs up to work every single day. I don't know how she does it, but it's really good cardio. I work on the 6th floor, so hopefully I can get into the habit of doing the same thing. 
The getting fit thing isn't about being skinny, it's about being happy with myself. I don't care about the numbers, size of my jeans or my weight, I just want to be content with myself. I normally am, I just want to enhance it. Although, I would like my shorts and pants to fit they way they used to.

I'll try to keep you posted, if I ever do start. I mean...I'M GOING TO START!

Until next time, here's my first picture of the summer!

Also, random picture of Adam being silly on Skype:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Here's a post!

Sorry if these posts seem pretty bland, working an 8 hour a day job is trying on your social life (#firstworldproblems). 

I've actually started my new job! I mean, I'm basically shadowing the current secretaries for now, but I'm on the floor. The first few days I was in an orientation that didn't really pertain to me, but it was chill. I like the job. The people are pretty cool, the patients who walk the floor seem very nice, and the work isn't too difficult. We're supposed to wear a uniform, but I don't have mine yet. I'm a little excited to get measured for it, but I don't want them to order it too big and make me look all matronly. I can't wait to make bunches of money and save for all kinds of things! Now I'll actually have to put things into my savings.

I realized that I've always wanted to work at University Hospitals, and I finally do. My dream has come true!!

Thursday, I went to the Cleveland at Detroit baseball game with Adam. It was tons of fun! I wore my Indians jersey, and he wore his Tigers jersey, which kind of caused a scene with the local folk. Sadly, the Tigers won (my friends blame me for being there), but I still had a lot of fun. We walked around Detroit, went to Pizzapapolis, and had a romantic stroll by the river where we could see Canada! We also rode a ferris wheel with cars shaped like baseballs! It was a lovely date :)

Adam loves "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen, so I decided that i wanted to make a music video for him. Andrew helped me out since he has a camera and a green screen. It was hastily made, with no prior thought, but it was a lot of fun to make. Apparently, he loved it.

Here it is!

Tonight, I finally go back to work at Victoria's Secret, to set up for Semi-Annual Sale. I'm excited, because I miss the girls that  I work with!

I know I keep saying I'm going to post pictures of my new furniture, but I still haven't gotten to getting rid of some stuff. It needs to happen before Adam visits again, that's for sure. Hopefully some of my next posts will involve Katie, Joe, and I going around to fun Cleveland events and locations!

Adult thought of the day: Really think about what you want to save your money for, and what you want to spend it on. Make a list of things to buy now, and things to save for for later. For example, I'm saving money for my KI trip, and maybe to move out eventually. I might spend some money on a new Vera Bradley bag, or a new phone. I'm going to take hella advantage of my new virtual wallet at PNC Bank.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Boy, Peppers, Job, Swamp

These past few days have been phenomenal!

Wednesday, I only had a call-in for work (I didn't have to go in!) so I decided to drive up to Sandusky, Michigan and visit Adam. It was nice to just be together for a few days, lounging around, not being too active. We hung out with his friends, watched some Swamp People and some sports, and chilled with his parents every now and then. Over all it was really fun! I'm glad that his parents like me so much, it makes me feel very welcome and accepted. I'm thinking this few days visit is a good sign of what is to come for this summer. We'll probably see each other pretty often (baseball games, trips to Cedar Point and KI, visits, etc.) so I don't think I'll be having too much withdrawal, although I might anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to meet up with him for the Thursday Tigers vs. Indians game in Detroit this week.

Last night was the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert at The Q in Cleveland. I went with my parents, Kelley, Carrie, Alyse, Andrew, and Matt. It was a ton of fun. Seeing one of my favorite bands live, and hearing my favorite song by them (Suck My Kiss) was so awesome. They ran out of the shirt I wanted ("I'm with you Cleveland"), so I'm trying to find it online. The crowd kept jamming even after we all left the venue! It was a great experience with some of my favorite people. Also, Flea is a beast. Period.

Tomorrow I start training for my new job as a unit secretary at University Hospital. I'm excited, and a little nervous. I know I'll do well, and enjoy the job. Most of the people I'll be working with already know my mom (and might have known me since I was in the womb), so I think I'll be comfortable with everyone. Training is just going to be a lot of information, in a little bit of time. Hopefully I can keep up.

Speaking of jobs, I'm going to be so busy this next couple of weeks, with the new job and Semi-Annual Sale at VS, I'm going to be swamped. 
Get it?
Adult life thought of the day: I would really like to read a book a week, if possible. I'll probably start by actually spending money on books for my Kindle. I have a list of books that I'd like to read on my GoodReads account (