Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lack of Dance

I know I've posted about this before (in old blogs and on Tumblr, amongst other things), but I went out blues dancing last night, and it's just not the same without the people with whom I normally dance.

I try to immerse myself, but not knowing a lot of the people, or wanting to dance with someone, but feeling oh so intimidated to ask them is so frustrating. I know it's a social dance, but I just wanted to be in my comfort zone and let loose last night. I haven't REALLY danced in quite a while, and I feel like my frame for lindy is lacking, and that my blues abilities are also lacking.

I'm probably just being really hard on myself because I haven't danced in a while. I just want to dance with Aaron, and Gordon, and Tristan, and Nick, and so many more leads. It's weird without them, whenever one of my favorite songs comes on and I can't run straight to them.

I've just got to get back into the mindset where I'm confident in my dancing, and feeling brave enough to dance with people who intimidate me.

Rant over.

1 comment:

  1. It's really, really hard to get out there and ask people to dance...but, but, but...if you don't do it, you won't improve. Circular issue that way.
