Thursday, February 21, 2013

"I Cannot Plan My Destiny, Therefore I Do Not Plan My Future"

I'm the kind of person who knows what she wants to do, what it takes to get there, and what the typical time frame to get there is.

This past year, I didn't get in to grad school. This threw off my original plan of becoming a speech-language pathologist by one school year (typically takes 2.5 years after graduation from undergrad). After feeling terrible about myself, but realizing it's not a big deal, I took a year off to improve my grades, get a job to save up some money, and improve my resume. 

Over the past few months, I've been stumbling on some articles and blogs about how your 20s are all about being able to do anything that you want to do and not having to worry about things like a family or expenses. My friend posted a link to this blog (more particularly this post "The 8 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make in Your 20s" and I read the entire thing. Given, I'm not making any of these "mistakes" in my 20s, because I know what I want to do, but I AM settled in to my lifestyle.
I expect to go to grad school, graduate, get a job relatively quickly, then maybe get married and start a family (I'd like to start having kids in my 20s, I'm not big on having kids in your 30s, but maybe my thoughts will change). I've had this in my mind for years, but reading these blogs and articles got me thinking. Am I doing this wrong? Even though I know what I want to do, should I put it off for a few years to travel and live on the edge? Am I going to regret not doing whatever I "want to do" (aka wouldn't normally do) when I'm older?

I've never been one to live on the edge, drop everything and go to Thailand, move out to a new city with $1000 to my name. I like going somewhere for a week or two, then coming back to my normal life. My boyfriend on the other hand, has been to over 40 countries, he's lived alone in a foreign country for about a year combined. He doesn't exactly know what he wants to do professionally, but he's got an idea. The thought of settling down in his 20s kind of throws him for a loop.

What I'm kind of trying to get at is that I don't know what I should do. I know what I NEED to do to become what I WANT. But do I need to rethink my set time frame that I've kind of created for myself, step back and smell the flowers of Hawaii?

What's realistic? I know that these articles and blogs don't have to apply to me. But it's something I never thought about before. My friends' travels sometimes leave me yearning for that lifestyle, but I know I'd be just as content as a professional, pursuing a job I love.

I just don't want to have regrets. 

Drop everything and do this?

Continue my hard work for my passion?

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