Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lack of Dance

I know I've posted about this before (in old blogs and on Tumblr, amongst other things), but I went out blues dancing last night, and it's just not the same without the people with whom I normally dance.

I try to immerse myself, but not knowing a lot of the people, or wanting to dance with someone, but feeling oh so intimidated to ask them is so frustrating. I know it's a social dance, but I just wanted to be in my comfort zone and let loose last night. I haven't REALLY danced in quite a while, and I feel like my frame for lindy is lacking, and that my blues abilities are also lacking.

I'm probably just being really hard on myself because I haven't danced in a while. I just want to dance with Aaron, and Gordon, and Tristan, and Nick, and so many more leads. It's weird without them, whenever one of my favorite songs comes on and I can't run straight to them.

I've just got to get back into the mindset where I'm confident in my dancing, and feeling brave enough to dance with people who intimidate me.

Rant over.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Keeping Calendars

So, I wanted to make a post about my new furniture in my room, but it's still a mess so I haven't taken any pictures. I'll get to that eventually.

This post is going to be about my new activity of updating and keeping calendars. There are so many fun things going on, not just in the summer, but all of the time, that I feel like I need to document them on a calendar. I've decided to keep a planner, a wall calendar, and one of those little daily planners. The wall calendar is for an easy visual when I'm sitting in my room, the planner is for when I'm at school, and the mini daily planner is travel size for my purse or bag.

Designs on my calendars: My wall calendar is "Cleveland 2012." It's photos of hot spots in Cleveland. I've yet to truly appreciate any of the "hot spots." My planner is "Love Pink." Obviously I have to represent one of my work places, plus I get it at a discount, why not buy it? My mini daily planner has a kitty on it!

Things that will be on my calendars: Days I work and at which job I'll be working. Important birthdays. Concerts. Dance events. Important Tribe games. When school starts, deadlines will be on there.Maybe I'll get some stickers to designate certain events/jobs.

Just like everything else in my life, who knows how long I'll actually keep these things updated. I feel like they're going to be  huge help, so I'm thinking I'll keep up with them for a while. I've thought about experimenting with online calendars, or one on my Kindle, but that relies too much on internet and all that. I'm sticking with old school paper calendars.

It's hot out, I need some ice cream and Boy Meets World.

Until next time!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Intro to My Adult Life

I haven't blogged in over a year, so none of you get a taste of my senior year of college. Maybe I'll make a mash-up post of my senior year, but for now, you get my adult life... year....s.

I decided that I wanted to start this blog to document the beginning of my adult life, and to maybe encourage me to get off of my butt and do things. With that in tow, I wanted to start off this blog with a list of things that I feel need to change or need to happen so I can start my "adult life," whatever that means.

To Me, Adult Life Means:
  1. Unsubscribing from magazines such as Seventeen. I'm sorry, but I don't need info about freshman year of college, how to flirt with boys, and how to not be that girl at a party. 
  2. Not spending every day laying in bed till 1, watching Say Yes to the Dress and What Not to Wear, followed by eating lunch, then laying in bed again on Facebook and watching Boy Meets World.
  3. Taking responsibility for my funds and the money that I make. I need to budget and make sure that I have enough for bills, as well as what I want to do for fun. 
  4. Having respect for my parents' rules in the house, even though I am an adult, it's their house that they're letting me live in, for free. 
  5. Going out and experiencing the culture around me, in Cleveland, surrounding cities, concerts, bars, everything. Hopefully with friends!
I'll probably add more as I write this blog, as I learn things, and as my mind works. Hopefully I can keep this blog up to date, and not boring for everyone. 

Here's to a good start!