Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Life is Not That Pinteresting

A little while ago, I finally joined the social network of crafters, dreamers, and wedding planners: Pinterest. I have to say, I'm not as addicted to it as I thought I would be, but when I get on a roll, pinning to my favorite board "My Style and Clothes I NEEEEEED," I really can't stop. Then I sit and look at it and decide that my closet needs an entire revamping. Then I get sad about how much money I don't have, and how much moolah I would need to get my style to resemble even an inkling of how I have it on a silly internet corkboard.

They say that social media makes us feel bad about ourselves; other people post perfectly laid out and filtered photos from their "idyllic" lives and that makes us feel sub par. In reality, that's all it is, layout and filter. I follow a few fashion blogs/Instagram accounts, and one of them wrote an entire post about how her home and life looks nothing like the photos she posts. Her pictures are flawless, sunny, clean and crisp. In reality, her clothes are strewn everywhere, her desk is a mess, and her hair is in a messy bun half of the time. Pinterest gives me a tiny bit of this feeling of inadequacy, even though I know I can strive for it someday, I just want it now.

Besides inadequacy, Pinterest gives me another "I" word; inspiration! Inspiration to invest in the expensive things that will never go out of style (like this coat), and to strive toward a great, versatile  wardrobe that defines me! I've got other boards, ones that I don't really use too much, but this style board has actually made my life a little bit easier, even though I'm complaining (but just a little). I'm now able to post things to the board which I normally would have emailed to myself with the subject line "Buy This." Pinterest makes it easier on my inbox, and keeps me more organized. You know what would be more organized? If I made an entire "Coats" board, as well as a "Swimsuits" board. But hey, that's just more work for me, and definitely more time spent on Pinterest than I should be spending. Especially with grad school just around the corner ;) Knowing me, I'll do it eventually!

Here are some of my favorite pins, and feel free to check out the board and tell me what you think! It's still relatively small, but I'm sure it will double in size within a week. I can see myself in every outfit on that board, and that tells me I'm going in the right direction with this whole Pinterest thing.

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