Friday, February 21, 2014

Blog Request Series #1: TV Shows to Watch

Holy crap. I just realized that I've been blogging without indenting any paragraphs. Is that a blogging faux pas, or is it acceptable in the internet world? Someone, let me know, this is a crisis!

Anyway, a couple of posts ago, I was having a whole other crisis: I was at a lack of things to write about, so I asked for requests. This is the first in a series of request posts, and I'm starting with "Which TV shows should I watch?"Over the past six months, I've been utilizing Netflix. I finally got my own account once I realized how hooked I was on these shows. I'm prone to comedies and some dramas, depending, so here's a list of my Netflix favorites:

Orange is the New Black: The hype is incredibly warranted. This show is groundbreaking, funny, heartbreaking, and it keeps you wanting more. It tells the story of Piper Chapman, an upper middle class white woman who gets sent to prison for a past of drug smuggling with her (then) girlfriend (Laura Prepon). The series not only follows Piper, but it tells the back stories of most of the inmates in the prison. I love a good back story, and believe me these stories delivered. I find myself rooting for these characters and getting incredibly invested in their lives. I found myself loving the characters I hated, rooting for those that I never thought I'd care much about, and lamenting the day that I watched the final episode. The cast is phenomenally diverse and so full of equally diverse personalities, and I can't wait for the next season (which I believe is to be released this April or June).

30 Rock: Last summer I read Tina Fey's autobiography Bossypants. Once I finished the book, she not only became my idol, but she got me instantly interested in seeing anything that came out of this brilliantly funny woman's mind. Enter 30 Rock. Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) is the head writer for The Girly Show (basically SNL) on NBC, when new boss Jack (Alec Baldwin) comes in and wants to revamp the entire show by adding a famous comedic actor/tabloid favorite, Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan). Initially, Liz hates Jack, but over the series they fall into a "mentor-mentee" relationship. The show chronicles Liz's hardships as a single thirty-something in NYC, juggling being a successful female writer, taking care of every mess that Jenna and Tracy might cause, and just wanting to sit at home and watch Dance Moms on her DVR while eating poptarts. 30 Rock also features many SNL alumni, as well as famous actors such as Paul Reubens, Matt Damon, and Oprah! The writing is HILARIOUS, and each of the characters has their own quirks that make them all favorites. Basically, Liz is every woman's spirit animal and I wish I could be like her in every way.  The celebrity guests never ceased to surprise me, and I'm seriously considering watching the series again because it's just that funny. Blerg!

House of Cards: Adam is a huge HOC fan, and he suggested that I watch it. I'm not normally a fan of dramas or shows that break the fourth wall, but I've had more than one person suggest it, so I decided to give it a try. I wasn't hooked on the first episode, but I decided to keep going and I was pulled right in. Maybe it's because Adam lives in DC now, but I feel really connected to the show since it takes place in a city that I've been frequenting. Frank is a South Carolina congressman, as well as the Democratic party whip (I've learned all kinds of government terms and positions thanks to this show). He's married to Claire, a beautiful, smart and successful businesswoman who wants nothing more than to support her husband in any way she can. Both are conniving, cunning, and striving to land Frank the ultimate job; leader of the free world. At first I was incredibly bothered by the amount of infidelity in this show, but I quickly learned that Frank, Claire, and many other characters will do whatever is necessary to get what they want. I'm constantly surprised at the way Frank handles situations and is able to predict how people will react. I also can't get over how much I like Claire; she's so eloquent, fashionable, and independent. Again, I found myself rooting for characters whom I never thought I would. I also found myself researching a lot more about the government than I ever thought I would. It's kind of hard for me to completely describe this series. It's just something you have to watch yourself because of all of the manipulation, murder, and whipping (take that how you will) that happens throughout. It constantly makes me wonder how much of it might actually happen in our real life government....

Freaks and Geeks:  I'm SO glad I decided to watch this show. Like many of the greats, it saw its end too early and lasted merely one season, only to grow a cult following years later. Freaks and Geeks chronicles Lindsey (mathlete turned "freak") and her brother Sam's (geek) experiences in high school with their friends, crushes, teachers, and parents. I've realized that I love anything that Judd Apatow writes, and this show does not disappoint. The situations are hilarious and real, the characters are loveable and laughable. This show may present the parts of high school that suck, but it also lays out the part of high school that was my favorite: the ability to cross clique lines, yet stay genuine. Not only does this series showcase awesome talent, but it's also the start of most of these people's careers. It's a star studded cast and hilarious writing, what more could you ask for? I can't sing enough praises for Freaks and Geeks. I just finished the last episode a few days ago, and I'm already itching to start watching it from the beginning again. Oh, and after you finish the series, google the reunion. It will give you all of the feels.

So there you have it, my favorite Netflix-able TV shows. This post taught me that I am no good whatsoever at writing reviews, so I'm going to try to practice. Let me know how you feel about these shows if you decide to watch them, and if you have any suggestions for what I should watch, get at me! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Outfit Post: Trying a Sweater Trend

I try to keep up on fashion blogs, and lately I've been seeing this trend of layering a long sleeved shirt under a half or three-quarter sleeved sweater. I was sick of being in the winter fashion slump, so I decided to take the chance and try the trend for myself. I have to say, it turned out well! Besides the harsh lighting at work making the plaid visible underneath my thin sweater, I was really happy with the combination I chose. I got lots of compliments on the color, and I can't wait to try it again sometime! 

Coral Sweater: Forever 21, Plaid Button Down: JC Penny

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

In Need of Some Inspiration: Help!

It's been a while since I've blogged, and therefore I'm sorry to everyone who wants to keep up on my life (read: Marshall). I haven't written anything in a while because it's really just been the same old, same old. I did visit Adam in DC a couple of weeks ago, so that's new. Otherwise, I've been waiting to hear from grad schools, per my usual around this time of year. In the meantime, I took a step and got my own Netflix account; very adult of me. Thanks Nate for letting me mooch after all of this time.

I've kept up on some of my new year's resolutions in that I've been keeping a journal. Not every day, but whenever something happens, or if I just feel like writing. I'm also going to be going out dancing this Friday, Valentine's day, so that keeps up on my dancing resolution. I've been slacking on the working out and being active instead of being on the internet, thanks to Netflix and House of Cards, but I had a really good workout yesterday so I'm hoping to be much more motivated in the near future. Plus it's been REALLY cold the past few days. Can't go out in that (is what I'm telling myself)!

As you can see by the title of this post, I'm at a lack of inspiration for my recent blogging adventures. I'm pretty sure everyone is probably sick of reading about my lack of working out, my grad school woes, and my general repetitive life things, so I thought I'd ask a favor of you. Help me out and give me a prompt to write about: Ask me any question regarding my life that you might want to know about, or just ask me about anything. I'll gladly do a mini research blog. In fact, I'd like to, since my brain is so bored. I was also addicted to those Myspace and Facebook surveys back in the day, so if that's your style, I love it. You are the reader, and I'm going to cater to you. Tell me what YOU want to read about! If you want recommendations about TV, music, hobbies, anything, get at me! I'm even willing to give advice to anonymous (or non) questions! Or you could take it upon yourself  to recommend that I try something, and then I can write a response after trying said thing. I'm actually really motivated about this, so indulge me, if you will.

In the meantime, I'll be reading, hopefully working out, and watching Netflix. Until next time, dear readers! And remember, send your girlfriend (or boyfriend) flowers on Friday!

If I had known this Valentine had existed before now, I would have sent it to Adam. (Source: