Thursday, August 6, 2015

Transformation into a Teacher

Hello! I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've written. I've just been so wrapped up in my schoolwork. Alas, it has paid off: I got a 4.0 GPA for my first five week semester! I have my final class of my second five week semester today, and I expect pretty much the same outcome for my GPA. I am so proud of myself!

This past session I only had three classes and they were Diversity, Technology, and Reading Foundations. Not too shabby. As I said in my last post, my cohort has become super close, and we have done two end of session celebrations so far! I really like that tradition. Not everyone was present at both, but a good number of us attended!

"Chipotle is my liiiiiiiiife."

On Tuesday, I went to my classroom to help set up for the school year. My first day of school is August 26th, and I have three days of meetings the week before that. My classroom is very hot for about the first month, so I have to dress smartly. I did buy some new clothes for school (hooray back to school shopping!), and I might buy some more tomorrow during "Tax Free Ohio Day."

As a part of my transformation into a teacher, I decided it was time to make all of my social media accounts private. Sorry guys, no more retweeting my hilarious tweets. I'm as bummed as you are. It was definitely a step in the right direction, and I'm excited for what's to come.

On a personal life note, my sister is moving to Florida! I'm sad, but she's a free spirit and wants to move somewhere warm for a while. She'll be a great men's hairstylist and it gives me an excuse to go on vacation! On the plus side, I get a second closet for my quickly growing wardrobe! I've also been super blob-like over these past ten weeks of class, so my clothes are fitting a bit tighter. I either have to work out, or just buy new clothes. We'll see which happens first.

Adam is job searching, and it seems to be a bit more fruitful in DC than in Cleveland. I'm a homebody, but I like DC, so I'm not opposed to moving there after I graduate. Especially if he finds a job by then. All in all, I'm super excited for my future as a teacher, but some part of me is still aching to be a speech pathologist. Maybe one day!

I promise to post again soon, I'm sure I'll have plenty to talk about, as well as some "Teacher Style" posts! Until next time!

P.S. I was just going through my old posts, because it's fun, and dang did my hair look great in this post

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