Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Bump in the Road

So, where we left off in our story, our glamorous heroine was well on her way to starting the post-bacc program in Child Life at the University of Akron. She went on to her first class, Direct Experiences in the Hospital, and was excited about the volunteer experiences that would follow, when her professor stated "The undergraduate program for child life has been canceled." *ENTER ROAD BLOCK AND RECORD SCRATCH* HEH?!

Turns out, child life is going to be one of those fields, such as speech pathology, that will require a master's degree in the not so distant future. It will also not require an undergraduate major in child life, therefore, higher learning institutions across America are getting rid of the program. I was searching for classes to take in the fall for the post-bacc program, and I was barely able to find any that I needed, so I decided to meet with the head of the program for some academic advising. We came to the conclusion that instead of take 50 something credits for a post-bacc program, it would be more "bang for my buck" to go the master's route, take less credits, and come out with more in the long run. I am agreeable.

The only problem is that this means I need to apply to the graduate program and wait an entire school year to be able to start classes; that is, if I even get accepted to the graduate school (a task in which I have had notoriously terrible luck in the past). This realization got me pretty down in the dumps, feeling "some typa way" if you will. As I'm sure I've vocalized in the past, I just want to get going with my career. I have had it up to about here with living at home, working a part time job that isn't that fulfilling to me, seemingly aging so fast that I'm this much closer to a retirement home consisting of a cardboard box (or more likely, my parents' house).

I was thinking about applying to some speech programs for the spring, but none of the schools that I want to attend accept for spring. So here I am, back where I started, bummed out and frustrated. I decided to go on a bike ride, after Adam talked me down from my bad mood, and I'm much more sensible about it. I'm going to continue taking my classes, since they're prerequisites for the child life masters program. I'm also going to continue my volunteering at Rainbow after my course is over. I want to stand out, and prove that I'm more than just my GPA, that I'm determined and ready to commit to a graduate program and a career. 

Another thing that I feel like I need in the interim is a full time job. It was mentioned to me last week that someone had brought up my name as a suggestion for a maternity leave fill-in for three months this fall in another department. I have no idea who suggested me, but ego-boost much?! The job is presumably full time, so I'm going to meet with someone from the department, hopefully soon, to figure out if it's a good fit. I'm kind of excited about it, because it's a mini-promotion, at least in my mind. I'll miss my floor, but I'll visit, and I'm sure the 3 months would go by oh so quickly.

Just like I want this next year to go by quickly. But I know I shouldn't want that. I need to live day to day, without worrying too much about the future. My career can wait; it will come. Moving out can wait; it will come. I need to make every day count. I'm going to do just that, and figure out why exactly the Universe put this little (somewhat frustrating, but manageable) road bump in front of me.

I made this the background on my computer, to remind me that doors are opening for me, and I just need to find them.
P.S. I'm doing very well in my classes so far. I intend to keep it up :)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Move On, but Don't Give Up

Ever since I made the decision to move forward from applying to grad school and decided to pursue child life, I've felt a sort of sadness; I truly do love speech pathology, and I don't want to move on entirely. Therefore, I decided that I am going to continue to apply to Cleveland State, every year, just to keep a little hope for a chance to become a speech pathologist. I feel like I will truly love child life, but in my gut, speech is my passion. So there it is, I'm moving on, but not giving up!

In other news, my friend Tim is moving to Cleveland. I get to show him all around and help him try to figure out where to live! I'm excited because he's a fellow Woosterite, and super awesome. Hooray for more Wooster friends in Cleveland; I'm collecting them.

Otherwise, there's not really much going on. I got in to both of my classes for the summer, which I'm seriously excited about (love me some school supplies), and I get to volunteer in the hospital with a child life specialist for 5 hours a week. I'm excited for spring and summer, and Adam comes to visit in 2 weeks.

Oh, and NBC cancelled Community, one of my favorite shows, so there's that.