Friday, March 21, 2014

A Month Later and Some Updates

Hello everyone! It's been exactly a month since I last blogged, so I figured it was time for an update. I finally bought a new computer last month! It's a Macbook Pro and I'm really happy with it, though I'm having some internet issues, so I might have to make a run to the Apple store.

Another new thing, I started running. Yes, you heard that right. I randomly decided that I wanted to start running and I actually like it a lot! I've only been inside on the treadmill, trying to make at least 2 miles. I'm very inconsistent in when I run and how long I actually run, compared to walking, but I always go at least 2 miles. I would like to start going more often, and I also need to look up good running technique. I can't wait till I can try running outside!
I think I want to get this tank, just because of its irony.
Though, I REALLY want to get this shirt, because Daryl.

Ah, grad school. So far, I've been rejected from three schools (LaSalle, WVU, and Old Dominion), and five more to go. I'm supposed to be getting a letter from Loyola Maryland sometime within the next few days, so hopefully it holds good news. The only school that I REALLY want to get in to is Gallaudet, so I'm hoping and praying that it works out. If not, I've done a lot of research into the Child Life program at Akron, and I've even applied non-degree, just in case.

I haven't had too much going on, so I'm sorry for lack of content or posts. I do have a few more blog request posts to do, so I'm going to try to get those going too. I'm on my way to DC early Monday morning to celebrate IS Monday with that crowd, and maybe see some cherry blossoms (doubt it).  I'm aching for spring! I just looked out of my window and there's some snow/freezing rain falling right now. I just want sun and skirts! DC's weather isn't supposed to be much nicer, so I'm just going to have to pretend for now.

All in all, I'm just sitting here waiting, trying to work some extra hours and impatiently waiting to hear from schools. So, you know, the usual. Thanks for the good thoughts everyone, hopefully I'll have some good news for you soon.