Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm Not Dead

Hey guys, I know it seems like I'm dead, due to the lack of posts, but I'm back! I've been kind of having a slump figuring out what to write about, when to write, etc. But now my life has a steady flow, so I'm writing now!

Let's see. Let me mentally list the things I need to talk about (CSU, UH, boyfriend, money, summer)= basically everything I always talk about. I seriously need to learn to break things down into separate posts.

Well, I was accepted as a non-degree student at CSU! The acceptance feels really good, although it's really easy to get into and I'm pretty sure they don't turn anyone down, it's much better than the rejection I had been getting. I think I need to take about 6 credits, or 2 classes a semester. I'm having a little trouble trying to figure out which classes to take, since I'm kind of limited to Tuesday-Thursday mornings. I might not end up being able to take a language course (I'd really like to take Italian), but I'll probably just end up taking a course that I really liked again, such as Phonetics or Language Development.

I've started working on my own at my new secretary job. I really like it, and I feel independent and like I'm really able to do everything. I truly enjoy my job. And this will get me through grad school. Hopefully I can start volunteering at the Rainbow Speech Therapy clinic during my free time.

Adam came and visited last week! We were able to spend the 4th of July together, and almost an entire week after that. We went shopping, to the parade and a pig roast where he played with my cousins (so cute!), watched airplanes, and he waited at home for me while I was at work (like real life!). It was so wonderful, and he got to spend some bonding time with my parents as well. I like that. I don't get to see him for another two weeks, but when that comes around it will be wonderful! We're going to Kelley's Island, and an Indians game, and we'll just have a blast. I'm so excited.

Adam was very happy with his surprise of watching planes!

Hopefully I'll be able to make it to the St. Charles Carnival tonight, or maybe go dancing. Katie and I went to Tremont yesterday (I bought a dress and a cute bag for school), and we found all kinds of events going on this summer. Like I said before, I really want to keep up with stuff like that and go do artsy things. There's an exhibition at the art museum that I would like to go to. It's about the 1920's. There's just so much to do. I also have a wedding next week, in Chicago, I'll definitely blog about that! All of the things!!

I'll try to keep up on this blog a bit more. I'm sure I'll have individual things to talk about soon enough. I'm not going to write about money or summer, though I am saving my money for trips with Adam, as well as spending it on a passport since we all know he loves to travel. I'm really excited. He also sent me this article, which added to my motivation to travel with him:

Stuff just works.

Oh, I got a smart phone. I'm moving up in the world. It's a Droid Razr. I'm going to be taking lots of pictures with it.