Friday, August 8, 2014

Fan Requests (AKA Marshall Requests)

In my last post, I answered 5 of 101 Thought Provoking Questions. So here are some fan request questions from that same list. Enjoy!

28. What brings you down the most often? Probably the fact that I'm still living in my childhood bedroom, working a part time job that isn't my dream job and not really getting anywhere at the moment. The fact that I can never get into grad school for speech therapy (as it were) because the process is disgustingly competitive, and because I networked in all the wrong places. I can hook you up with swing dancers all over the world, but I can't hook myself up with some connections to write me letters of recommendation for grad school. Wow that was dark.

36. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? Not everything will come as easily to you as you think it will. You've got to figure out how to study, work hard on applications, and put in extra effort in classes. Also, don't do your hair like that in middle and high school. And don't wear all black all the time just because you're in stage crew.

46. Do the people you love most know how much you love them? I sure hope they do. I try to tell them, and show them how much I love them. It's kind of weird, because my family isn't much of a hugging, say "I love you" all the time kind of family. Even though we don't verbalize it often, I think they still know.

82. In one word, what is standing between you and your biggest goal? I'm trying to decide between "grades" and "institution." Also, "money."

99. What do you enjoy doing over and over again? With my lack of going out dancing, I've found that I truly love going to a dance after months and rediscovering how much I love it and how the music and moves still flow right through me. I may get a little rusty, but that muscle memory is still there. It happens almost every time I go dancing, since I've been taking breaks from it so often. I also enjoy going to Kelley's Island over and over again. It's not the most exciting place on Earth, but I truly love it.

Sorry that a majority of this post revolved around my inability to get into grad school for speech, but I suppose that's how it panned out. In my next post, I'll actually be addressing that exact topic! Now it's time for me to go back and forth with myself, trying to decide if I should go swing dancing tonight. Until next time, friends. 
Me too, Ryan. Me too.

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